Return of Fantastic Four Trailer

Fantastic Four Trailer

Tomorrow sees the return of the Fantastic Four to Marvel Comics as a new #1 issue hits local comic shops; so to mark the occassion, Marvel Comics released a launch tailer for the first issue!

“57 years to the day that the world was introduced to the Fantastic Four, a new tale will begin for Ben, Johnny, Reed and Sue when FANTASTIC FOUR #1 hits comic shops, featuring an all-new story from superstar creators Dan Slott and Sara Pichelli! Marvel is proud to present this behind-the-scenes look at Fantastic Four, featuring Slott, SVP and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, and Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski!” the video description states.

Dan Slott said: “One of the strengths of Stan and Jack is that you never knew what you were going to get in Fantastic Four. You’re always seeing new worlds, you’re always seeing new ideas.”

Tom Brevoort also added: “Sara Pichelli has such a wonderful sense of character and sensitivity in her drawings that she really brings these characters to live.”

Don’t miss Fantastic Four #1, on sale August 8th in comic shops, on the Marvel Comics App, and on!

Fantastic Four

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT – THE WORLD’S GREATEST COMIC MAGAZINE IS BACK! Since the end of SECRET WARS, there’s been a gap in the Marvel Universe. A void no other team can fill. And it’s time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the Thing! A momentous declaration by the Human Torch! A clarion call-to-arms that summons Doctor Doom! And a signal in the sky that heralds the return of hope to the Marvel Universe! All this, and Alicia Masters adopts kittens! So cute! Plus, the Impossible Man! AND BONUS STORIES ILLUSTRATED BY SIMONE BIANCHI AND SKOTTIE YOUNG! IF YOU READ ONLY ONE MARVEL COMIC THIS MONTH, THIS IS THE ONE!

Release date: August 8, 2018

Price: $5.99

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four #1

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four

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