Fans Upset Over The Walking Dead Spoiler



Reactions are pouring in on Twitter over the death of fan-favorite character Tyreese.

Our own Walking Dead expert, Chris “The Doc” Bushley, called it the “worst episode EVER!!” adding it was a “really dumb way to lose him.”

Likewise, I thought the death of Tyreese was done for shock value.

I don’t think I can agree with the group deciding to split off to “do it for Beth,” which puts them in danger. Tyreese, really, died for nothing, and the loss of such a beloved character to go out with a bite to the arm seemed underwhelming and even less deserved.

I did think the episode was well directed as the foreshadowing throughout the episode was great. There were certain tidbits that were cool as well (Glenn’s bat?!), and did anyone else think Tyreese was going to live and have one arm, similar to Rick in the comics? Also: How come they didn’t tie a belt around Tyreese’s arm to stop the bleeding? Or find gasoline and try to cauterize the wound themselves?

Or how about waiting until they got back to the group to cut the arm off?

I did understand why they killed Tyreese off as I felt Tyreese was too tied down to the world before The Walking Dead and couldn’t make the jump to the new world (as evidenced by him not wanting to kill). 

That said, I felt Chad Coleman brought something to the show the other characters didn’t. Tyreese was like a big teddy bear, a brother or even a potential father-figure. He was someone you could trust; the guy was human. Tyreese was the rock. I suppose those types of characters can’t survive in The Walking Dead.

We’ll miss you, Tyreese.

Watch: The Death Of Tyreese:

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