Ethan Hawke Wants A Star Wars Movie; Turned Down Independence Day

Ethan Hawke Wants A Star Wars Movie; Turned Down Independence Day

Ethan Hawke, known for The Purge, Sinister and Training Day, recently appeared on Conan O’Brien and mentioned he desperately wants to be a part of a Star Wars movie, and he also revealed he turned down the Independence Day movie.

Star Wars

Regarding Star Wars, the 47-year-old actor, said he is obsessed.

“I would definitely play a Wookie,” Ethan Hawke responded to Conan’s comments about even if it meant he would be featured in a Star Wars movie in costume. “I’ve said it on national TV over and over again. I will audition. I’ll play Wookies. I’ll play Jedis. I’ll play bad guys.”

Ethan Hawke then said he really loved the Han Solo movie and realized when he saw Woody Harrelson on screen, he thought it could have been him. 

“He’s in Planet of the Apes. He’s in Star Wars. He’s got like every job,” Ethan Hawke said. “Woody Harrelson is one of my favorite actors of all time bar none. Okay, but I’m saying we are the same kind of age. Can’t I get an audition?”

Conan then joked the word is out about Independence Day.  

Independence Day

On the topic of Independence Day, Ethan Hawke revealed he was actually up for the main role of Capt. Steven Hiller, which ended up going to Will Smith.

Ethan Hawke says he was coming off Reality Bites, which made him a superstar, but when he went on a drive across country, he read the script and threw it out the window. He was then with his girlfriend at the time and went to see Independence Day with a group of friends and realized his mistake.

“I got the script to Independence Day, and I start reading it,” Ethan Hawke said. “And there is dollar bills attached, you know what I mean? And I think I am such a big shot and so cool..  And I am reading it to my buddy in the car, and I’m like, ‘Isn’t this a bad line? E.T. phone home? That’s stupid.’ I’m reading it to the point where I literally threw it out on to the Texas highway.”

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