Episode IX A Course Correction For Star Wars

Episode IX A Course Correction For Star Wars

As I stated on back in April, J.J. Abrams is set to fix Star Wars with Episode IX, as a recent report offers it’s a course correction for the franchise.

In Variety‘s report how J.J. Abrams is seeking a mega deal, it’s noted that “he’s currently working on Star Wars: Episode IX, which has been billed as a course correction at Lucasfilm after spinoff films like Solo failed to meet the label’s high commercial expectations.”

Of course, the article makes no mention of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which is the real problem and why a course correction is needed, and not Han Solo, which actually wasn’t a bad movie, but suffered as a result of the poor reception to The Last Jedi.

Regarding the course correction Star Wars: Episode IX will take, John Boyega already let it be known that J.J. Abrams will be fixing the Rey and Finn relationship that Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy destroyed. Johnson split apart the fan favorite duo, which made no sense as Abrams built them up in The Force Awakens. Boyega revealed Abrams will be reuniting the pair.

“I haven’t read the script for Episode IX, but Daisy did shoot me a text saying, ‘Oh my gosh, I just heard from J.J. [Abrams], and we’re back together. That’s what I’m really excited about, is Finn and Rey back together again,” Boyega revealed in April at Awesomecon.

Likewise, legendary composer John Williams went on record stating he didn’t like what Rian Johnson did with Rey in The Last Jedi as well and stated he hopes Abrams fixes things with her character in Episode IX.

“Rey’s parents might be identified to us in the next film,” Williams said back in March, which references it being said that Rey’s parents are nobodies in The Last Jedi, again a contradiction to all the build up by Abrams in The Force Awakens.

Star Wars

Probably the biggest slap in the face to Star Wars fans – and that which is needed to be fixed the most – is Luke Skywalker. While Abrams left it open at the end of The Force Awakens for an epic return, Rian Johnson had Luke throw away his lightsaber, an act a lot of fans think signifies Disney throwing away the long time fans of the franchise. Mark Hamill has gone on record many times that he didn’t agree with what Johnson did with Luke in The Last Jedi and even joked about Luke’s return in Episode IX.

“I refuse to believe that he’s gone,” Hamill said in a previous interview. “My theory is he just teleported to somewhere else and left his robe behind. He teleported to a nudist colony, that’s what I’m hoping.”

Mark Hamill also told CNN about appearing in Episode IX: “Who knows? I really don’t know. It’s totally up to [J.J. Abrams] and Lucasfilm, but I feel content whether I’m not in it or I’m in it. I’m fine with it because I had a perfect entrance in [Force Awakens] and Rian gave me a perfect exit in [Last Jedi]… It’s all right. I’m still in denial. I think I just force projected to another planet.”

Regarding J.J. Abrams’ mega deal, it’s reported he is in talks with Disney, Universal, and Warner Bros.

If J.J. wants his $500 million, he better concentrate on making Star Wars right.

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