Dwayne Johnson Says Shazam Script Is Fantastic & Updates On Casting


We just heard Dwayne Johnson talking how Black Adam may eventually join the Justice League, and now Johnson offers more insight to the bad guy soon to be turned anti-hero.

Dwayne Johnson offers a casting update for Shazam as well as more on Black Adam’s transformation from a bad guy to anti-hero.

Here’s the text:

“I can’t wait to hear more casting news. No, we haven’t picked a Shazam yet,” Johnson offers. “We have been working on the script. Half the scripts already come in. Fantastic. Very excited about it. And what I’m really excited about is, because, again, I’ve lived with this character, and this opportunity for almost 10 years now, so it’s like, in my DNA – I’m like a little kid – and it’s the opportunity to create his journey. But his journey has to start out properly – and starting out properly is not him being a hero – that’s got to be earned. He starts off as a slave, and he’s pissed off and people are going to pay, but eventually down the line he’ll become an anti-hero.

“I’m not quite to sure yet,” Johnson replied when asked if they are looking to cast separate actors for the role of Shazam. There is a lot of opportunity, I think, with technolog. Maybe do a cool face replacement like they did in Captain America. Maybe do something like that. Maybe cast two separate actors. I’m not quite too sure.”

Shazam is due out in 2019, but may be released earlier.

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