Doctor Who Series 10 To Have Full Season


Showrunner Steven Moffat continues to shoot down Doctor Who rumors with the latest being that Series 10 will be a half season.

A recent rumor stated that due to Peter Capaldi pursuing other projects, that Doctor Who Series 10 would air only six episodes plus the Christmas Special.

However, Moffat states that isn’t true as he tells the Radio Times Doctor Who Series 10 will have a full run plus the Doctor Who Christmas Special.

“We’re making a full series. I can confirm that,” Moffat said. “I’m making a full series of 12 episodes, plus a Christmas special. I don’t know when it goes out. That’s up to someone else. And even if I did know – which I genuinely don’t – I wouldn’t be allowed to say so as I have absolutely no say in it whatsoever. [But] it’s not being reduced in size. We’re not making fewer episodes. That’s all complete bunk. I can confirm that absolutely.”

Likewise, Capaldi said more of the same to the BBC.

“Not as far as I know,” Capaldi said responding to questioning that fans will be disappointed by a shortened Series 10. “That’s now what I’ve been told. So, that is not what I’m contracted for.”

Capaldi also mentioned that he would like to see Doctor Who air earlier on Saturdays at 7pm.

Moffat also recently shot down the rumor that Peter Capaldi was leaving the series, confirming that Peter Capaldi is Doctor Who and not going anywhere.

“Doctor Who” airs Saturdays on BBCA.

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