Rachel McAdams Returning For Doctor Strange 2


It’s learned that Rachel McAdams is returning for Doctor Strange 2 possibly reprising her role as Dr. Christine Palmer.

No specific details are known about McAdams’ involvement in the movie or how big a role her character will play in the sequel.

The cast for Doctor Strange 2 also includes Benedict Cumberbatch, with it said both Benedict Wong and Chiwetel Ejiofor also are expected back in their respective roles, Wong and Karl Mordo, Elizabeth Olsen will return as Scarlet Witch, and Xochitl Gomez is also reported to have a role.

Benedict Cumberbatch is also starring as Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 3, which is currently now filming, with Doctor Strange 2 set to start filming once Spider-Man 3 is finished.

Sam Raimi is directing Doctor Strange 2 who replaces Scott Derrickson who left due to creative differences but still remains on as a producer.

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange 2 goes into the Multiverse Of Madness

While no plot details are known, since the official title for the movie is “In The Multiverse Of Madness” the movie looks to explore the alternate universes that make up the Marvel universe, aka the Multiverse.

It’s been said that the upcoming WandaVision Disney Plus series will blow the Multiverse wide open which will lead into Spider-Man 3, thought to be a Spider-Verse Multiverse movie. Recall the Multiverse was first mentioned by Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home. The Tom Hiddleston Loki Disney Plus series also ties directly into Doctor Strange 2.

Lots of rumors also surround the flick ranging from Tobey Maguire appearing as Spider-Man to reunite with Raimi, to Kevin Feige casting a new team of Multiverse Avengers made up of actors that were once up for the roles that went to the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, etc, so that would mean Tom Cruise is up to play Iron Man, John Krasinski as Captain America, and Emily Blunt as Black Widow.

Rumors have offered that the villain of Doctor Strange 2 might be Nightmare, and at the same time might also be Scarlet Witch.

Doctor Strange 2 has a March 25, 2022 release date.

(via Deadline)

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