The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 6/5/2013


The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is the weekly “quick pick” of the best 5 comics to hit the shelves! Whether they are riddled with action, have the best dramatic sequences, blast you with a bevy of shock and awe or make you feel like a child again, these are the books EVERYONE should be reading! This “DOC’s” prescription for having the best week possible — begins with these Top 5 books! (In no particular order!)

1.  Astro City #1 (Vertigo/DC):  Kurt Busiek makes a triumphant return to the world of Astro City and comic fans rejoice! One of the nineties most acclaimed and inspirational looks at the super hero genre returns this week under the Vertigo banner! The media has been praising this book for the past few months and it shows, local stores were sold out in minutes and second printings are sure to be in the future for those arriving after the initial “running of the bulls” when they opened! One of my personal favorites from yesteryear, Astro City is a sure fire hit!
2.  Ten Grand #2 (Joe’s Comics/Image):  JMS and Ben Templesmith forge a unique and disturbing tale of a lost love and how far you would go for just five more minutes of contact with them. The tale of Joe Fitzgerald is both stunning and gut wrenching as we watch a man perish over and over again in order to make up for past sins and that five minute window of bliss with his departed Laura. This book is something special and another instant sell-out!
3.  All-New X-Men #12 (Marvel):  Bendis has his original X-Men come face to face with Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers in a book that is both nostalgic and heart warming. The meeting of “young” Cyclops and his “older” brother Havok will bring an instant smile on your face and make you wish for simpler times in the Marvel U.! Bendis may not know a thing about how to write Cosmic, but he does a hell of a job depicting the “Merry Mutants!”
4.  Kick -Ass 3 #1 (Icon/Marvel):  This is it, folks! The final chapter in the life of Dave Lizewski as Kick-Ass and it is as hilarious as when we first read about him in 2008. Hit-Girl is imprisoned, the heroes are losing interest in protecting the streets and High School is over. What does a young hero with no powers do now? Take cool “Batman-esque” photos at his parents grave is what! And maybe kick a little a– as well! Plus, there are six interlocking variant covers that merge to make one awesome poster!
5.  Avengers Arena #10 (Marvel):  Dennis Hopeless crafts a stunning and emotional tale yet again, and this time, you WILL hate Dennis Hopeless for the ending! From the initial page you know in your bones what is going to happen and even though you pray that it won’t, you are still shocked by the outcome. This has been a fantastic book from the start and has more depth than anyone would have ever thought. I implore you to give this book a try, you will be hooked!

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