The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 4/17/2013



The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with astounding visuals, has top notch characterization, is filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)



1. Fanboys Vs. Zombies #13 (BOOM! Studios): Don’t have enough space faring heroes in your life? Who can’t live without a little more zombie action? Well, BOOM! Studios solves all of your nagging problems this week as Fanboys Vs. Zombies takes a treck to “where no one can hear you scream!” That’s right, it’s the “all space” issue as three of our heroes get locked in an escape pod with a zombie and are jetisoned to “where no man has gone before!” A fun book laced with enough “geekisms” that no one will be disappointed!



2. Daredevil: End of Days #7 (Marvel): Bendis may have lost the battle with acquiring fans to his lackluster Guardians of the Galaxy book, but he is writing a fan favorite with this future tale of Daredevil. Is Matt Murdock really dead? All signs point to yes, so who is the hero in the Daredevil costume? This is a fantastic read that follows Daily Bugle reporter Ben Urich on a case to find the truth while visiting almost every character in the Daredevil mythos! This is a real treat for any DD fan! 



3. Bloodshot #10 (Valiant): Continuing through the Harbinger Wars arc, Bloodshot must now become more than just an elite weapon of mass destruction. He must become a protector to some of the most powerful and dangerous children ever born! This is a true character piece that evolves the Bloodshot character to new heights of greatness while allowing for all the standard mayhem and bloodshed too!



4. The Black Beetle:No Way Out #3(of 4) (Dark Horse): Sometimes you need to turn the dial back and enjoy some classic pulp heroes in all their gritty glory! Well, you can’t go wrong with Francesco Francavilla’s creater owned Black Beetle series. Evocative in both prose and renderings, this is a series that is a true work of art on so many levels. So, grab a fedora and hit the streets with this amazing book!



5. Justice League #19 (DC): Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis continue to shift the Justice League into new and exciting directions. As new recruits are courted for admidtance to the team, who stole information from the Justice League? Was it one of the recruits or could there be descention in the ranks of the core Leaguers? Tempers flare and the cover says the rest! The seeds of war have been sown and this will lead directly to the Trinity War crossover that begins in July!

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