Deadpool Director Developing Kitty Pryde X-Men Movie

Deadpool Director Developing Kitty Pryde Movie

It’s learned that Deadpool director Tim Miller is developing a solo Kitty Pryde movie at Fox Studios.

Kitty Pryde is a member of the X-Men who has the ability to phase through objects.

Collider notes while Tim Miller is setting up the Kitty Pryde movie at Fox Studios, the purchase of Fox by Disney could complicate things, as the deal is set to go through in 12-18 months.

It’s further noted that the Kitty Pryde movie isn’t definitely green lit, and it’s also said Fox Studios isn’t waiting around to make sure the Disney deal goes through in regards to developing future projects.

The Kitty Pryde movie would also mark Fox Studios’ first female superhero movie since the Jennifer Warner 2005 Elektra film.

No plot details are known about Tim Miller’s approach to Kitty Pryde.

Kitty Pryde did appear in previous X-Men movies such as X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: The Last Stand played by Ellen Page, and Sumela Kay played the character in X-Men, with Katie Stuart appearing in X2, both more as Easter Eggs.

Currently in the works at Fox Studios for the X-Men includes Deadpool 2, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, New Mutants and Gambit, with plans for X-Force and Deadpool 3. 

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