DC Digital Streaming Will Have Comics

DC Digital Comics

It’s been known that WB is currently developing a DC Digital streaming network that will feature the Titans TV series, Young Justice Season 3, an adult Harley Quinn animated show, a Lex Luthor and Lois Lane Metropolis series, and a Swamp Thing series, but now it’s also learned the platform will feature comics.

DC Entertainment Community Manager Dani Snow offered new details with mention of the inclusion of comics.

“There will be digital movies, TV shows that you can watch, streaming. We are going to have lot of comics on there. There is going to be a lot of good stuff on there,” she said.

DC does presently offer comics in digital form, but they are a part of its store, meaning you have to purchase the individuals issues. We can guess that since the DC Digital streaming network will be subscriber-based that the comics available will be for free, as part of the subscription.

DC Comics

It remains to be seen what DC comic books will be available: Old issues? New issues? Graphic novels?

Perhaps with the subscription to DC Digital, fans could pick a certain amount of new comics to subscribe to each month? 

It also remains to be seen how users will be able to interact with the comics. 

For example, will the comics be able to be read on TV? If the DC Digital streaming Network is similar to Netflix or Amazon, will there be a similar menu for comics to be read? Or will there be some sort of separate App?

Dani Snow also mentioned she will be “hosting on the boards” and “will be giving away giveaways [and] sweepstakes,”; so the DC Digital platform sounds like it will be a lot more than simply the streaming networks that we are used to right now. 

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