DC Comics Dark Knights Metal Last Page Spoiler Revealed


Ahead of tomrorrow’s release of Dark Knights Metal #1, DC Comics went out and spoiled the issue by posting pages from the comic book online including the last page spoiler.

Via the Washinton Post, it’s revealed that Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Dream character has a role in Dark Knights Metal and appears on the last page along with Batman.

Writer on the book Scott Snyder went out and got Gaiman’s permission to use Dream.

“I was so excited. It was one of the greatest days of my professional life,” Snyder said, with Gaiman stating he loved the idea about using Dream. “[Gaiman] couldn’t have been more generous. I just want to say thank you to him for sharing such an incredibly special character with us. It’s literally one of the best moments of my career, to be able to get to write a character that meant so much to me growing up and still does.”

Dark Knights Metal #1 hits tomorrow and reveals the Dark Universe, “a previously unheard of area of DC continuity where nightmares and reality collide, featuring multiple evil versions of heroes such as Batman. Nth metal, an element familiar to the world of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, would also play a key role.”

Check out the pages including Batman with Dream:


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