DC Comics Announces New DC Legends Of Tomorrow Series


In conjunction with the new series, DC Comics has announced a related comic book anthology series for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow.


It’s four powerhouse tales in one colossal comic, as some of comics’ most legendary talents launch new tales of Firestorm, Metamorpho, Metal Men and Sugar and Spike—that’s right, Sugar and Spike!

This new anthology series will reunite several characters from DC Comics’ rich history with the writers that made them fan favorites: Gerry Conway returns to Firestorm, Len Wein will handle the writing chores on Metal Men, Aaron Lopresti will pen Metamorpho, while the always interesting Keith Giffen puts his own unique spin on one of DC’s more offbeat titles, Sugar & Spike.

FIRESTORM, written by Gerry Conway with art by Eduardo Pansica and Rob Hunter:
Firestorm is back! To save Jason Rausch, Firestorm will need to retrieve Danton Black’s stolen research from Professor Stein’s lab. But if Jason can’t fuse with Ronnie by the Firestorm Protocol…who can?

METAL MEN, written by Len Wein with art by Yildiray Cinar and Trevor Scott:
Doctor Will Magnus’ Metal Men may be the next step in robotics technology, but when the mysterious cyber-terrorist known only as Nameless comes after them, they may have met their match!

METAMORPHO, written by Aaron Lopresti with art by Aaron Lopresti and Matt Banning:
Metamorpho—a prisoner of millionaire industrialist Simon Stagg! Now, the only person who can save him is Stagg’s beautiful daughter, Sapphire!? But can they defeat Stagg’s prehistoric bodyguard, Java?

SUGAR & SPIKE, written by Keith Giffen with art by Bilquis Evely:
The last time we saw Sugar and Spike, they were still in diapers! Now, they’re grown up, and they’ve become private investigators who specialize in cleaning up embarrassing problems for the DCU’s greatest heroes. Sugar & Spike’s first assignment: retrieve a cache of Batman’s retired costumes that have been stolen by Killer Moth!

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW #1, with cover artwork by Aaron Lopresti (see gallery above) will be on sale March 9th, 2016 with 80 pages at $7.99 US.

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