David Ayer Says His ‘Suicide Squad’ Will Get A Release Thanks To James Gunn

David Ayer Says His Suicide Squad Will Get A Release

David Ayer says his cut of the 2016 Suicide Squad movie will get a release thanks to the new co-head of the DCU James Gunn who also happened to direct The Suicide Squad in 2021.

Replying in a Tweet, David Ayer said, “And Gunn told me it would have it’s time to be shared.”

David Ayer’s version of Suicide Squad lined up more with Zack Snyder’s vision of the DCEU, and Ayer’s ending was changed to remove references to Zack Snyder’s Justice League with Steppenwolf cut in favor of the less than stellar theatrical ending. Ayer’s version also had the Enchantress under the control of the mother boxes.

Ayer also adds in the tweet that James Gunn “absolutely deserves to launch his DC universe without more drama about old projects.”

“All I know is my unseen film plays much better than the studio release. The interest in my cut being show seems real and organic,” tweeted Ayer.

Back when Zack Snyder’s Justice League was announced for HBO Max, DC insiders filled me in the plan was also to release the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad on the streaming service as it was the time of covid and they needed content; however, obviously, the Ayer Cut was never released.

It’s still unknown when the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad will see the light of day, but maybe it will be released prior to Gunn’s new DCU which kicks off July 2025 with Superman: Legacy.

Check out tweets below from David Ayer including a new look at Jared Leto as Joker.

David Ayer Suicide Squad tweets:

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