Dave Bautista Not Happy With Goofy Drax; Done With Marvel After GOTG 3


Dave Bautista lets it be known he will be done with Marvel and the character of Drax following Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

Following a tweet from IGN titled mentioning “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 might be the last time we see Drax in the MCU,” Bautista replied:

Drax isn’t going anywhere. He just won’t be played by this dude! by the time G3 comes out I’ll be 54 yrs old for gods sake! im expecting everything to start sagging any second now

Dave Bautista Drax tweet Marvel

It’s already speculated that James Gunn will be leaving Marvel as well, headed back to DC, and it’s known Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will be the last iteration of the team as we know them, so Bautista leaving Marvel isn’t a surprise at all.

Dave Bautista Drax Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel

Marvel said no to Dave Bautista Drax spinoff

At one time, Bautista also made it known that he wanted a Drax spinoff, and now Bautista opens up about the character, where interestingly enough, he says they dropped the ball and dug a whole by keeping the character goofy, which is how James Gunn used the character in his Guardians movies. In the comics, the version Drax is based on is not dumb and goofy, but cunning, smart, badass and deadly; Gunn changed the characters from the comics to make them silly and goofy, for some reason, unfortunately (via Collider):

“That role changed the trajectory of my life. It’s always going to be special to me. Now that I’m four films in…I really wished they would have invested more in Drax, personally. Because I think Drax has more of a story to tell. I think Drax has a really interesting backstory which they dropped the ball on. That’s no dig on Marvel. They had their slate, I know what they’re focused on, that’s what they have slated out. But man, I think they really missed the ball on Drax. He has such a great backstory. Selfishly, as a performer, that would have given me the opportunity to show different sides of Drax, emotionally. And physically as well. Because, if you notice, Drax, although he looks like a badass, you look at him and he looks terrifying, but Drax gets his ass kicked more than any other Marvel character…The whole “Destroyer” thing they just threw that out the window…people just fell so in love with the comedic side of Drax they tapped into that, then they tapped into it more, then they really dug a hole into it. But we missed a huge boat on that character and I don’t think it’ll ever come back around. But I’m really just looking forward to finishing out this whole journey.”

Regarding the Guardians of the Galaxy in the MCU going forward, I’m guessing it will feature a new team that probably syncs somewhat up with the current comics which is basically a woke PC Cosmic Avengers team (one of my fav characters Quasar, again gets replaced by a female version because he is a male white, blond character a la Captain America).

James Gunn Guardians of the Galaxy

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