Creature Commandos Episode 6 Review: Make It Make Sense

Creature Commandos Episode 6 Review: Make It Make Sense

When you look at the overall picture, episode six of Creature Commandos comes off as the best one to date. It’s similar to the previous episodes where again we are given a backstory coupled with the present day, but at least it’s a good one for Doctor Phosphorus. We’re also given that cool cameo. However, James Gunn needs the writing to make sense. Gunn also needs to stop writing down to the audience.

As I stated in my first two-episode review, Doctor Phosphorus comes off as a clear fan-favorite character. He looks cool, he’s got good one-liners, and his powers are cool. And wow what a back story. It’s tragic. Phosphorus also becomes that which created him and that which he hates. Then he gets taken down by the Batman (more on that below). Awesome.

Regarding the present day, we are again in Pokolistan where the Creature Commandos are being hunted by the army. Now where was the army when Circe and her group of incels were attacking? This makes absolutely no sense. Why were the Creature Commandos even needed when Pokolistan has this huge army? It makes zero sense. I’ll tell you why: It’s so Gunn can have Circe’s army be made up of right-wingers. That my friends, is woke. James Gunn is pushing his agenda ahead of a story that makes sense. And Creature Commandos doesn’t make sense. Cool overall story, very poor execution. Does Gunn think we’re all as dumb as his followers on Threads that try to validate their existence by getting his attention?

The Bride and Nina also find shelter in a brothel. Of course we know where this is going. Two douchebag guys show up and treat the women bad. The Bride kills them. I also have to question: Why is Nina even a part of the show? She’s absolutely worthless. Why would Waller even put her on the team? Maybe next episode explains things.

We also get more from Frank the Simp who I actually find hilarious. Dude is brutal. Anyone else want to see Frank the Simp get his ass completely kicked? While sure, he’s a simp, Gunn writes him well. However, as I pointed out before, you do realize that just about every male character in Gunn’s DCU is a simp, right? Even Batman is portrayed as looking fat and out of shape. What’s up with that???

Creature Commandos Episode 6 gets an 8/10. Animation is really, really good. Overall story is good. Writing needs to improve.

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