Cover Shoot: The Top 5 Comic Covers For 10/9/13



By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel you to at least check them out, which can be worth exponentially more than just words to the companies that publish them! Enjoy!


1. Miniature Jesus #5 (of 5) (Image Comics): This series by Ted Mckeever has had some of the most creative covers in it’s five issue run. Known for his use of bland backgrounds and exquisite line drawings, McKeever has quickly become one of my favorite cover artists! Let it be known that simple lines used with extraordinary skill can trump 3D covers any day!



2. Batgirl #24 (DC Comics): Alex Garner has quickly become a staple on COVER SHOOT and there is no argument as to why! Using both paint and computer enhancement, these Batgirl covers have become fan favorites, warranting cries of, “We need posters!” across all of comicdom. Lifelike and beautiful, Garner tells a story with a single image, melding perfectly with Gail Simone’s tale within the book.  Simply, exquisite!



3. Thor: God of Thunder #14 (Marvel Comics): Though usually done by Esad Ribic, legendary artist Ron Garney has been making fans salivate over his Thor covers the past few months. Explosive and with an “in your face” composition, this cover exudes everything Thor is about! Brutality, fantasy, power and confidence is forced at you, leaping off the cover, and it makes you want to, no, need to know what’s going on in the story. Perfect cover to draw you in!



4. Creepy Comics #14 (Dark Horse Comics): Known for trend setting covers, Creepy, always delivers the goods. Especially, with this gorgeously haunting cover by David Palumbo. With meticulous composition, this painted cover draws your eye from top to bottom, giving you the feeling of descent as you gaze upon it. With it’s two color palette, it is masterfully done, setting itself apart from all the bold colored covers around it.



5. Batman: Arkham Unhinged #19 (DC Comics): Nothing can pull your eye to it better than a cover with graphic shapes, simple lines and a pristine sense of color! With a bleached background and a single image foreground, Christopher Mitten has created something fantastic. Accentuated by simple but exceptional line drawings, this cover pops off of the shelves and makes you take notice. It is simply profound and I would be proud to add this cover to my comic art collection!

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