Planet Hulk’s Miek Confirmed For Thor: Ragnarok


Miek is confirmed for Thor: Ragnarok!

Earlier today saw Marvel Studios release a Thor: Ragnarok set video with director Taika Waititi which was filmed during the last day of shooting as the movie has wrapped. 

The video shows Taika Waititi taking a walk through the Thor: Ragnarok set which features members of the cast. Taika Waititi passes by one member of the cast, “Steve,” and mentions he is playing Miek.

“Steve is playing a character called Miek,” Waititi said.

In the comics, Miek belongs to an insect-like race and is a friend to the Hulk, as well as a member of the Hulk’s Warbound in the awesome Greg Pak Planet Hulk storyline that sees the Hulk abandoned on the planet of Sakaar where is he forced to fight in a gladiator arena. Interestingly enough, Taika Waititi also teased Korg, another member of Hulk’s Warbound.

It’s unknown if they are going to go with the insect version of Miek in Thor: Ragnarok as the actor seen in the video looks to resemble a peasant of some sort in costume. Let’s hope they don’t pull a switch and have Miek a humanoid (lame); the character was awesome in the comics.  Hopefully this actor is simply a stand-in for the CGI insect-version of Miek — otherwise why even bother? 

Marvel also previously revealed Hulk’s gladiator armor. See below. 

“Thor: Raganarok” has a November 3, 2017 release directed by Taika Waititi starring Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Mark Ruffalo as Hulk/Banner, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Idris Elba as Heimdall, Cate Blanchett as Hela, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster,  Anthony Hopkins as Odin and Sam Neill in an unknown role. 

Thor: Ragnarok Gladiator Hulk Armor:

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