Marvel Comics Rumored To Drop The BS


I’ll believe this when I see it, but it’s being said that Marvel Comics is going to go the “DC Rebirth route” and bring back the iconic characters as well as dropping the political BS angles that have infected their comic book line for the past few years.

According to Bleeding Cool, Marvel Comics recently held a creative summit where they finally came to the conclusion that it’s better to please the fans instead of trying to force feed them garbage they don’t want to read, which is basically almost anything published by Marvel Comics since Axel Alonso took over as EIC.

The report mentions that as Marvel Comics “brings back the X-Men line with a bang, to expect a return to more of a status quo for titles such as Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and more.”

It’s said the Marvel Comics universe will look “more familiar” by this Fall with classic characters returning, such as Captain America coupled with some of the newer characters retaining their books.

The PC BS that’s currently in a majority of Marvel Comics as well as the upcoming Secret Empire event are said to be the last of the political nonsense in the Marvel Comics. It’s further said that Marvel Comics has too much invested in Secret Empire to change things, so while that will most likely tank as well, Marvel is still going to publish it.  

My own two cents regarding Marvel Comics is that it has changed a lot in the past ten years. Back when Joe Quesada was EIC – and I can’t believe I’m saying this – Marvel Comics was a lot better. Joe Q. basically said as long as a comic sold well, it would stick around, which is how we got the great Annihilation and DnA Marvel Comics line that inspired the billion dollar Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. While Joe. Q didn’t have a friggin’ clue about Marvel Cosmic or even liked the brand, as long as it sold well enough (which it did), it stuck around. 

Things changed when Axel Alonso came on board as EIC and lots of characters got replaced. Obviously if you are a long time reader of this site, Richard Rider Nova comes to mind. It could be argued that Nova was actually the first character they replaced and completely butchered, which has been a huge failure for Axel Alonso and Jeph Loeb, so it’s no wonder the pattern continued and completely failed as well with the other Marvel characters. 

I would like a return to what we had a decade or so ago with different Marvel lines of comics (street-level, cosmic, supernatural, etc). I also think they should drop the price to $2.99. The $3.99 price tag is a bit steep and anything above that is absolutely highway robbery.

Hopefully this also means Ike Perlmutter’s mandates are no longer in play, which has seen characters killed off, books cancelled, and merchandise cancelled and altered. Maybe we’ll finally get Wolverine back?

Update: Wolverine is rumored to return to Marvel Comics, and a new X-Men animated series is said to be in the works.

Update #2: Marvel Comics Said To Rebrand As “Make Mine Marvel”

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