Marvel Announces New Inhumans Comic Book Series


On the heels of Marvel TV's Inhumans series, Marvel Comics has announced a new ongoing with Royals

IGN reports the new Inhuman Royals comic book will kick off in April from writer Al Ewing with art by Jonboy Meyers and marks the the first of several new Inhumans-themed comics to debut next year. 

The book features Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, and Gorgon; the newer “Nuhumans” Flint and Swain, and the addition of Marvel Boy. 

The story springs out of the upcoming Inhumans vs. X-Men event in December and sees: the group returning to the Inhumans’ space roots as they travel to the remains of the Kree homeworld and beyond to discover the origin of Terrigenesis, the chemical process that gives Inhumans their powers.

“It's not the first time the Royals have been to space, admittedly, but I promise they've never been this far out before," Al Ewing said. "I wanted to create a myth from the future, a quest to find answers and meaning in the face of extinction."

Regarding the use of Marvel Boy:

“Marvel Boy is the outlier, the x-factor. I'm kind of combining [Kieron Gillen's] characterization with the ‘Lord of Force and Fire’ from [Grant Morrison], then putting my own spin on it,” Ewing said. “He's very necessary to the mission, because he's a Kree from an alternate dimension. And he's realized that there's one piece of common knowledge in his world that just isn't know about in the dimension he ended up in. Imagine going to a dimension where oil hadn't been discovered… well, knowing what we know now, you might want to keep quiet, but it's that kind of magnitude. There's something Marvel Boy knows about the Inhumans that they don't. Yet.”

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