How About Daniel Radcliffe As Wolverine?


With Hugh Jackman retiring from the Wolverine role (or not), who should be the next actor to play the role? How about Harroy Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe?

I’ve previously recommended Tom Hardy (as has Hugh Jackman), but now fans on have brought up another name — Harry Potter‘s Daniel Radcliffe.

Before you snub your nose at the thought, bear in mind Radcliffe is arguably closer to the comic book version of Wolverine than Hugh Jackman, as Radcliffe is a lot shorter in real life (and just as hairy).

As some of the fans pointed out, pack some muscle on Daniel Radcliffe, and we might have our next Wolverine for Marvel.

Regarding Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Hugh Jackman is thought to be appearing in Deadpool, possibly participated in reshoots for X-Men: Apocalypse and will star in the sequel to The Wolverine in 2017. Jackman may have also teased Wolverine 4.

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