Bret Easton Ellis Regrets Stating Ben Affleck Batman Movie Has Problems


Yesterday saw word that the Ben Affleck Batman movie is suffering from serious problems, and now the source of the information, Bret Easton Ellis, known for writing the American Psycho novel, comes out and says he regrets talking about it.

Bret Easton Ellis took to his social networks to offer the following about the problems he said he heard about regarding the Batman movie:

During a long interview with The Ringer’s Sean Fennessey we talked about reasons why studio movies are so bad now and touched on the global needs of the marketplace. I told him something I had heard about the new Batman movie as an example of what might be the problem: I was talking with two executives who have NOTHING to do with the Batman movie and who KNEW people who were involved with the production. The two executives I was having dinner with were relating the problems they had heard about the script from people working on the Batman project–that’s all. I know no one involved with the Batman movie and I didn’t realize that my comments would make it into The Ringer piece or else I wouldn’t have cited that particular movie–I have no idea what the Batman script is like and I regret that it came off as if I was disparaging the project. Another reason to be careful giving interviews.

Word about the Batman movie having potential problems follows Ben Affleck’s own admission that the Batman film is not definite, and that they are still getting the script right. In addition, it’s known both Batman Vs. Superman and Suicide Squad faced problems internally, which this new information regarding Batman seems to corroborate.

Regarding the validity of the Batman source, it seems doubtful the information is made up as it sounds more or less like people in the industry talking over lunch about mutal friends and “being in the know.”

The Ben Affleck Batman movie currently has no release date and Ben Affleck is supposed to direct. Both Joe Manganiello (Deathstroke) and Jeremy Irons have said the Batman movie is to begin filming next year.

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