Comic Characters Join The Walking Dead Season 6


The Walking Dead Season 6 Comic-Con Trailer

The Walking Dead Season 6 will feature three new characters. debuted the following images of Ethan Embry as Carter, Merritt Wever as Dr. Denise Cloyd, and Corey Hawkins as Heath.

Carter is described as: “Gimple says Carter serves as a composite of different people from the original comic. ‘Ethan plays a combo of a few characters that we actually haven’t hit yet or weren’t able to hit in other characters,’ says Gimple. ‘He is an Alexandrian, and has been there the whole time, just quite busy.’

Wever’s Dr. Cloyd is from the comics described as: “Denise’s role as a medic becomes critical in the community of Alexandria after the death of Pete, and in the comic her skills as a surgeon prove pivotal, especially after a ghastly injury incurred by one of the main characters—an injury which may or may not happen on the TV version.”

Corey Hawkins is from the comic as well and is described as: a supply-runner for the town (and one who becomes romantically linked to Denise in the original source material), but we’ve got an exclusive new photo for you above. Gimple had this to tell EW about Hawkins in the role: “He’s terrific and I’m so excited to see him bring Heath to life. It’s been fun and he dove in with both feet. He’s tough and skeptical when the cameras are rolling, and then when they’re off he’s just like a goofy fan. He’s really, really excited to be there.” 

The Walking Dead returns Sunday, October 11th at 9pm ET on AMC.

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