Comic Book News

Stay up to date with the latest in Comic Book News, covering the biggest events, new releases, and character developments from Marvel, DC, and indie publishers. Explore articles featuring in-depth reviews, upcoming storylines, and interviews with creators. Whether you’re a fan of superhero sagas or indie comics, this is your source for all the latest updates in the comic book world.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: NINO #28

What is wrong with Marvel?

They actually think this “story” about playing “hot potato” with “The Black Vortex” is entertaining?

Silly, yes.  Entertaining, no.  Unless, of course, you’re an easily satisfied zombie who will buy anything and take to the internet to defend it to the end.

It’s just typical Duggan in a typical NINO story.  Screw-up after screw-up that somehow works itself out in the end mostly due to NINO’s dumb luck or another NINO screw-up that fortuitously ends well.  Of course, the requisite cardboard villains written as if they belong in an episode of Scooby-Doo are prominently on display as always.

Of course, Duggan, not satisfied with his appearances on forums to insult Rider fans, has to throw in an insult to Rider fans in the body of the story.  Seriously, if there are any Rider fans still buying this trash, this has to be the final straw for you.  Join the rest of us in the boycott.

This is just another episode of Marvel Cosmic gone horribly wrong.  It isn’t even cosmic, really, as the space setting is just incidental.  It’s just puerile, juvenile trash aimed at 8-year-olds and played as a farce for cheap laughs for chronologically older persons with the mentality of 8-year-olds (aka Marvel Zombies).

The art continues to decline.  Thane’s “googly eyes” turn what is supposed to be the only serious dramatic scene in this ultimately stupid story into yet another Scooby-Doo moment of farce.

Cancellation of this garbage can’t come too soon.  Marvel needs to man up and admit that this experiment has been a total failure.  Unfortunately, Brevoort and Alonso are in charge, so that will never happen.  Like NINO, you can only count on them to do the most stupid thing possible and double-down on the failed formula.  Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for Bonso’s Double-Down:  “Politically Correct NINO-ette (PC-NINO-ette).”   Join us in boycotting her, too.

Comic Book News

Watch: Top 10 DC Characters Returning in Convergence

DC Comics latest event Convergnece, kicked off with the zero issue, which received mixed reviews online.

Not much really went down to justify the five dollar price tag, but we did get the villain reveal and the motivations behind the series.

Telos (or Braniaic) is bringing back dead worlds and characters and will somehow choose which ones survive. 

So I gathered from that: Say we have 10 versions Superman, only one will make it back to the “real” world. What happens to the other nine? No idea, but starting next week, we’ll begin to find out more.

DC released a video above with the “Top 10 DC Characters Returning In Convergence.”

Convergence is here! Next week, your favorite cities and characters from days past come back with a vengeance in a series of spectacular miniseries revealing what’s taken place in the years—or even decades—since you last saw them. In this exclusive DC All Access clip, we count down our top ten returning characters. So which heroic reunion are you most looking forward to?

Who are you looking forward to seeing?

You can check out the preview for Convergence #1, which hits next Wednesday, as well.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Rage of Ultron OGN Trailer

Marvel released a trailer for the new original graphic novel, Rage Of Ultron, from Rick Remender and Jerome Opena.

You can order the HC through Amazon at a discount.


It was another glorious victory for the Mighty Avengers. Good triumphed over evil and Ultron was shot into space, never to be seen again. Or so they thought. Now, years later, the homicidal artificial intelligence – so long devoted to ending life on Earth – has a new world to conquer…one with its own horrific legacy. When Titan, birthplace of Thanos, falls, Planet Ultron rises in its place! Thanos’ brother Starfox must seek the aid of his former allies – but the Avengers he finds are radically different from the ones he once knew. Among them is Ultron’s creator Giant-Man – and when Hank Pym confronts his now planet-sized “son,” the responsibilities of fatherhood have never loomed so large. Rick Remender (Uncanny Avengers) and Jerome Opeña (Avengers) unleash the full robotic rage of Ultron on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!


Comic Book News

Review: Convergence #0

DC Comics latest event kicks off today with Convergence #0, which promises: “Everything matters. Every story matters.” 

The issue follows Superman as he is transported to a universe between universes by Brainiac where he finds himself lost among many alternate versions of Metropolis.

The issue is heavy on exposition and is rather drawn out with a few pointless “Pow” punches here and there. The dialogue is spotty, and at times the panels don’t flow all that well. It’s also not the best art I’ve seen from Sciver.

The book is extremely overpriced at $5.00 as the issue could easily be toned down to a five-page story and made as a free prequel giveaway or some sort. You easily get more from Dan DiDio’s Convergence trailer than anything this issue provides.

The problem with the issue is it does little to get the reader excited for the main event title. For one, it’s only a Superman story, which in itself isn’t a bad thing, but since this is a prequel, just how much “Convergence” story can be told? And that is probably the reason why the issue feels so drawn out – it’s because they can’t tell much about Convergence, and it only focuses on Superman, who really just goes on and on about trying to get home while the different versions of Brainiac attempt an explanation, which comes up rather lacking. It would have been a much better read to use numerous DC characters (i.e. Justice League characters) to give teases for what’s to come in the main Convergence series that starts next week.

While we don’t give official star-ratings here at Cosmic Book News, if I had to, Convergence #0 would get a 2 out of 5 stars as the issue is a rather lackluster attempt at kicking off a big event series and can be considered anything but a must read – or a must buy. 

This one really doesn’t matter all that much.

Comic Book News

Watch: DC Comics Convergence Trailer With Dan DiDio

Are you lost in regards to what DC’s Convergence event is all about (or Marvel’s Secret War‘s for that matter)?

Well, DC co-publisher Dan DiDio has you covered in the above Convergence trailer.

DiDio goes over what Convergence is all about including teases for what’s to come.

Covergence kicks off next week with Convergence #0, and then the event officially starts with the first issue written by veteran television writer Jeff King on April 8th.

This is it! The entire DC Universe, from the dawn of time through The New 52, must fight to survive against a threat that bends the Multiverse to its will. Your favorite characters from every era and every forgotten series are all here! But are you going to say hello again just to say goodbye forever? The stakes have never been higher as the heroes of Crisis, Zero Hour, Elseworlds, and more are brought together for Convergence!

In the first issue of this weekly series, Brainiac has collected cities of doomed and forgotten worlds, who must battle each other – and the losers will be destroyed! But why is he forcing this conflict? Join the refugees from Earth-2 as they unlock the truth behind this world that exists outside time and space and is very much alive! Is Brainiac really in control – or is this planet named Telos an unparalleled force of evil?

This extra-sized issue is packed with twists and turns and appearances you NEVER thought you’d see – including the heroes from the hit series INJUSTICE!


Comic Book News

Legendary Announces Pacific Rim Comic Book Series


With Pacific Rim 2 in development from Guillermo del Toro and due out April 2017, Legendary Entertainment has announced a new Pacific Rim comic book series for this Fall.

Pacific Rim: Tales From The Drift will be written by comics veteran Joshua Fialkov with art by Marcos Marz and the story by Travis Beacham.

The series is a continuation of the bestselling graphic novel Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero and will feature Jaegers never before seen in combat squaring off against all-new Kaiju creatures.

In addition to the new Pacific Rim comic series, Legendary also announces two new titles with Black Bag and Cops For Criminals.

Black Bag is described as a riveting espionage thriller starring Legendary’s first female action hero. The gripping series is about a suburban wife-turned-covert government assassin from writer Chris Roberson, creator of the breakout comic iZombie (recently adapted into a network TV series), and features art from fast-rising talent JB Bastos, known for his standout work on Night Trap.

Cops For Criminals is from Steven Grant and is described as a daring new crime-thriller series about a federal agent forced to find true justice in the criminal underworld. Pete Woods, whose long and storied career includes iconic franchises such as Deadpool, Catwoman and Robin, returns to pencil, ink and color the title.

To celebrate these launches, Legendary is also giving fans the chance to win an exclusive page of original artwork from the upcoming Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift. Participants are invited to enter at to win this one-of-a-kind prize.

Update: Legendary is also launching graphic novels for Trick or Treat and Krampus, which are due later this year.



Comic Book News

Invincible #118 Only 25 Cents Today

Just a friendly reminder that Invincible #118, from Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley and Image Comics, is only 25 cents today at your local comic shop and is actually free via digital download.

You can download the free issue via


Story By: Robert Kirkman
Art By: Ryan Ottley
Art By: Cliff Rathburn
Art By: Jean Francois Beaulieu
Cover By: Ryan Ottley
Cover By: Cliff Rathburn
Cover By: Jean Francois Beaulieu
Cover Price: $0.25
Digital Price: FREE
Diamond ID: JAN150582
Published: March 25, 2015


Invincible and Atom Eve set off on the adventure of a lifetime: PARENTHOOD! They’ve taken to the stars and left their troubles on Earth behind them. As things take a drastic turn for our heroes, you’ll find yourself asking…is this book still about superheroes?


Comic Book News

More Good News: Marvel Not Keeping NINO Around As Long As Richard Rider


We get further good news from Marvel Comics in regards to NINO and Richard Rider Nova.

We all know Axel Alonso, Jeph Loeb and the execs at Marvel made the decision to kill off Richard Rider Nova and fire the creative team that inspired a near billion dollar movie (Marvel Comics must be such a nice place to work at).

Marvel replaced Richard Rider Nova with NINO – “Nova In Name Only.”

As the Annihilation Richard Rider Nova series was a success (sales were not the reason for cancellation), it was no surprise that true Nova fans didn’t except NINO.

Jeph Loeb was quickly announced off of NINO with the publication of issue #2, which was due to low sales and not being able to justify Loeb’s paygrade.

And since issue 3 or so, NINO has been selling less than Richard Rider Nova.

As a matter of fact, NINO took a major dive when Gerry Duggan came on board – and get this – Duggan’s Hulk is also selling less than the Richard Rider Nova. Hulk who is an Avenger and is in billion dollar Avengers movies sells less than a character that didn’t appear in Guardians of the Galaxy – yet had the best selling action figure of the line! (we can only surmise Duggan’s paygrade)

Honestly, I can’t help but laugh-out-loud at Marvel Comics’ decisions these days. It’s ironic that under Joe Quesada, Marvel Cosmic prospered, while under former Deadpool editor (it shows) Axel Alonso, Marvel has become a parody of itself.

Regarding the good news, Marvel Comics recently announced that NINO is getting cancelled – but they also announced another new Nova – a young female NINO-ette (lol). 

Now the latest is from a preview for NINO #28 where Duggan, who has been harassing Richard Rider fans on message boards, attempts to take a swipe at Richard Rider. Obviously Duggan – who can’t even keep Hulk sales up above a cancelled character – doesn’t write the issue particularly well as he leaves it open for NINO to take the brunt of the backlash, and it backfires.

NINO says he doesn’t want to end up like Richard Rider.

That’s good news to me, because that means NINO isn’t going to be around for 40 years or have  successful comic line or action figure line.

Adios, NINO.

And take Duggan with ya.

Bring Back Richard Rider as Nova and don’t support the replacements.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Announces Secret Wars Civil War

You did know there was no sam heck in chance that Marvel was going to leave Civil War out of their upcoming Secret Wars event, right?

Me? I’m waiting for the Secret Wars Cosmos In Collision announcement.

With Captain America 3 coming out next year, Marvel announced Secret Wars Civil War though CNN.

Sadly it won’t be written by Mark Millar, but it will be written by Charles Soule with art by Leinil Francis Yu.

If you look at the ideas that that story had, Iron Man thought superheroes should have to register with the government, and become something of a police force. Captain America thought that that was restricting the central freedoms of this country. It was a debate of security versus freedom. We’re taking that basic idea and expanding it to a larger canvas. The Registration Act is all in the past at this point. It’s more of a world drastically changed based on a superhero war, and it’s a huge story and it’s fun to be able to involve every Marvel character there is. 





Spoiler: Death in DC's Future's End #46
Comic Book News

Spoiler: Death in DC’s Future’s End #46


This week has seen plenty of “death” in the world of comics, some in print and others on screen.

Both Aiden and Noah were literally torn apart on AMC’s, The Walking Dead. Cisko payed the ultimate price for being too curious on the CW’s, The Flash. Marvel bumped off Falcon’s longtime friend and partner, Redwing, in the pages of All-New Captain America #5; and TMNT fans shed a tear as their favorite “techy,” Donatello, got smashed into oblivion in this week’s, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44!

Not to be left behind, DC, let the Joker – albeit a Brother Eye inhanced Joker/Batman amalgam from the future – gun down one of the most popular characters in the Batman mythos, Terry McGinnis! That’s right, Batman Beyond has gone to the “great beyond’ in a hail of gunfire and heroics all in order to save the present from becoming the future he came from. Take a look at how it all went down below:



We will miss you Terry, maybe they will bring you back with super powers!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: NINO Annual #1

Silly, juvenile, disrespectful of Nova mythos and fans, and un-heroic – this book is everything you’ve come to expect of NINO.

At least NINO admits at various times in the book that he’s stupid and doesn’t know what he’s doing.  That places him in the company of the 19K of zombies still buying this trash.

Of course, Duggan either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that Xandar hasn’t existed as a planet for a long time now.  He blithely sends NINO and the Hulk on a selfish quest to repair NINO’s helmet.  Upon arriving at the somehow re-constituted planet of Xandar, they find a powerful alien who has enslaved the “remaining Xandarians” and is forcing them to perform heavy labor.  Again, Duggan either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that Xandarians are nearly identical to humans as he portrays the Xandarians as very alien.

Do you think NINO and Hulk do the heroic thing and free the Xandarians from slavery or make some attempt to resurrect Xandar?  No.  Hulk temporarily disables the alien slave lord, finds some parts to fix NINO’s helmet, then he and NINO selfishly and un-heroically leave the remaining Xandarians to be re-enslaved.  What a nice thank you to the culture who provided the loser duo of NINO and his dad their powers.  Pathetic.  Immoral.  But that’s why this trash is and ever will be “Nova In Name Only” – because no other being worthy of the uniform would ever behave so selfishly, un-heroically, and utterly disgracefully.

The art and coloring are mediocre with NINO continuing to look ridiculous in his manga-ized version of a Nova uniform.  The art used to at least distract readers from the atrocious writing, but even the art is slipping as this book comes ever closer to its recently announced cancellation date.  Given that NINO is a Loeb vanity project, it’s probably too much to hope that we’ve seen the last of NINO.  I’m not too worried about the upcoming politically correct NINO-ette – as she’ll be DOA.

So good riddance to NINO (and a hoped for quick riddance to PC NINO-ette).  Your final issue can’t come too soon and you won’t be missed.

Comic Book News

Spoiler Death In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44

Spoilers follow for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44.

We may have the death of a Turtle as IDW Publishing’s TMNT #44 that was released this week saw Rocksteady take a sledgehammer to Donatello.

Scans have been posted on reddit, revealing Donatello’s broken and bloody shell.

It’s not confirmed that Donatello has been killed off, but from the looks of the pics below, this one may be hard to come back from.




Comic Book News

Spoiler Death In All-New Captain America

Spoilers follow for the latest issue of All-New Captain America.

Since Falcon doesn’t have a sidekick in the Marvel Studios movies, why bother with one in the comics, right?

Well in today’s All-New Captain America #5 that is now a reality.

Bleeding Cool posted scans from the issue revealing the demise of Redwing, who was Falcon’s partner since 1969.






Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Cancelling 33 Titles Including NINO


Finally some good news for Richard Rider fans, but don’t hold your breath – more on that below.

With Marvel’s new Secret Wars event comes word the publisher is ending 33 titles.

Among those titles is NINO, Captain Ms. Marvel, Legendary Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon.

Sales for NINO and Captain Ms. Marvel have well been under cancellation levels for some time, and Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon have been dropping steadily.

The new Marvel “Cosmic” has been unable to sustain the readership that Abnett and Lanning enjoyed with their stellar run, of which Marvel Comics editor Bill Rosemann stated consisted of “rock solid sales.”

The bad news is that Marvel Comics continues to be going in the wrong direction with Nova, as NINO writer Gerry Duggan is on the new Secret Wars Infinity Gauntlet book, which like NINO, appears to be a mockery of the original. This time Marvel seems to be going with a parody version of Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet series that is inspiring the current Marvel Studios wave of movies (and for the record, Starlin had no idea and was never told about the Secret Wars IG series).

The new IG now features a multi-colored version of the Nova Corps (interestingly enough, DnA pitched a multi-colored Nova Corps prior to their 2007 Nova series) that focuses on a young black female NINO.

I’ll also comment on Abnett’s Guardians 3000 being on the list: The first issue saw high sales (much to the surprise of Marvel); however, sales quickly dropped on subsequent issues. It’s my opinion that going with Alex Ross covers paired with an anime/manga-inspired artist on the inside wasn’t the best way to go. I’ll also say that Marvel hasn‘t given Abnett an A-list artist since Brad Walker or Andrea Di Vito.

Check out the list of series ending prior to Secret Wars (via Newsarama) with, of course, some being relaunched:

All-New Captain America
All-New Ghost Rider
All-New X-Men
Amazing Spider-Man
Amazing X-Men
Angela: Asgard’s Assassin
Avengers, Avengers World
Captain Marvel
Fantastic Four
Guardians 3000
Guardians of the Galaxy
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon
Legendary Star-Lord
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man
New Avengers
Rocket Raccoon
Secret Avengers
Spider-Man & the X-Men
Spider-Man 2099
Superior Iron Man
Uncanny X-Men

Comic Book News

Batgirl & The Killing Joke Trending Worldwide


Yesterday saw the news that DC Comics had cancelled the Joker 75th Anniversary variant cover set for June’s Batgirl #41.

After getting heat on various social networks and websites, the artist behind The Killing Joke homage piece, Rafael Albuquerque, requested that the cover be pulled.

“My intention was never to hurt or upset anyone through my art,” Albuquerque said in a statement released yesterday. “For that reason, I have recommended to DC that the variant cover be pulled.”

DC Comics followed up with their own statement, which only added to the controversy as it read in part: “…threats of violence and harassment are wrong and have no place in comics or society.”

The statement by DC made it sound like the artist was threatened, which never took place.

Both Batgirl‘s regular artist, Cameron Stewart, and Albuquerque cleared up the confusion on Twitter.

“Something to clarify, because DCs statement was a little unclear. [Rafael Albuquerque] did not get threats. People OBJECTING to the cover did,” tweeted Stewart.

“Ill talk more about it tomorrow but I was never threatened. just to make it clear,” Albuquerque tweeted as well.

The reason cited for the controversy is that Batgirl is currently considered a more light-hearted series than Alan Moore’s serious take on The Killing Joke.

Apparently, the creative team nor the main editor on Batgirl are to blame for deciding to go with the variant, as Comics Alliance points out variant covers at DC are “often commissioned and approved by art directors who have little to do with the actual books the covers will be placed on.”

Comic Book creator Erik Larsen also offers his thoughts – in what’s being described as a Twitter rant – as Larsen argues (in part), “…creators should not be taking orders from the audience…”

Other comic creators and fans have also reacted on Twitter:

Comic Book News Marvel Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars Drops Over 800K; Stuart Immonen Onboard With #8


January saw Star Wars return to Marvel with around 1 million copies sold, which was due to 60 variant covers and geek box subscriptions.

However, now Marvel’s Star Wars has come back down to earth as sales for issue two dropped by over 800,000 copies.

Star Wars #2 sold around 162,000 giving it the #4 book overall for February.

It’s also learned that current series artist John Cassaday will be leaving as the artist announced the news on Facebook.

Marvel has announced that Stuart Immonen will be replacing Cassaday with July’s Star Wars #8 and released the following cover art.

It’s unknown who is on art chores for Star Wars #7.


Comic Book News

Watch: The Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Trailer

Check out a cool trailer above for the upcoming The Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe book from Mattel and Dark Horse Comics.

You can pre-order through Amazon at a discount.


In 1982, the world was introduced to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. What followed was a cultural sensation that changed the landscape of children’s entertainment forever! Join Mattel and Dark Horse in this comprehensive retrospective chronicling He-Man’s decades-long, epic journey from toy, to television, to film, to a true pop culture phenomenon!

* Includes rarely seen images of concept sketches, prototypes, restored art from master illustrator Earl Norem, and more from Mattel’s archives!

* Features interviews with Dolph Lundgren, Paul Dini, Erika Scheimer, and many more!


Limited edition version:


Comic Book News Star Wars

Watch: Mark Hamill 2015 Free Comic Book Day Video

Check out a freshly shaven Mark Hamill encouraging people to attend Free Comic Book Day.

Hamill is starring in the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens which is out this December.

Free Comic Book Day is taking place Saturday, May 2nd, with comic book shops across the country offering a variety of free comics.


World famous actor and longtime comic book reader, Mark Hamill encourages  fans to discover the fun of comic books during the annual Free Comic Book Day (FCBD),  taking place at participating comic book shops across the globe on Saturday May 2nd.  Over 5.6 million comic books will be given away for free at over 2,300 participating comic book shops to new and devoted comic book fans of all ages.

On Saturday May 2nd, anyone that visits a participating comic shop will receive at least one or more of the designated FCBD comics for free. The Free Comic Book Day Committee picked a listing of Gold and Silver sponsors whose comic books include titles that are great for kids and adults.  This year’s roster contains 50 free comics that include titles for everyone’s tastes with Marvel’s Secret Wars, DC’sDivergence, Fight Club, The Simpsons, Spongebob, Transformers, Pokemon, The Tick, and many more for fans to discover! 

Comic shops will also host community events such as costume contests, drawings by guest artists, creator signings, raffles, door prizes, photos with costumed characters, and other community building activities throughout the day.  Every comic shop celebrates FCBD in their own unique way and fans have an opportunity to see their local comic shop’s personality and thriving community of pop-culture enthusiasts on display. 

Take Mark Hamill’s advice and check out Free Comic Book Day on May 2nd.

Visit for more.

Comic Book News

DC Comics Cancels Controversial Joker Variant Cover


This June sees DC Comics releasing Joker-themed variant covers.

One cover in particular has drawn some controversy with the variant to Batgirl #41.

It seems it’s so controversial that DC Comics is now cancelling the cover, per the request of the artist Rafael Albuquerque.

“My intention was never to hurt or upset anyone through my art,” Albuquerque said in a statement, which can be read below. “For that reason, I have recommended to DC that the variant cover be pulled.”

Apparently some people online were upset the variant cover was so “dark” while the current Batgirl seems to be more light-hearted.

Here is Albuquerque’s statement:

My Batgirl variant cover artwork was designed to pay homage to a comic that I really admire, and I know is a favorite of many readers. ‘The Killing Joke’ is part of Batgirl’s canon and artistically, I couldn’t avoid portraying the traumatic relationship between Barbara Gordon and the Joker.

For me, it was just a creepy cover that brought up something from the character’s past that I was able to interpret artistically. But it has become clear, that for others, it touched a very important nerve. I respect these opinions and, despite whether the discussion is right or wrong, no opinion should be discredited.

My intention was never to hurt or upset anyone through my art. For that reason, I have recommended to DC that the variant cover be pulled. I’m incredibly pleased that DC Comics is listening to my concerns and will not be publishing the cover art in June as previously announced.

With all due respect,


And DC’s:

We publish comic books about the greatest heroes in the world, and the most evil villains imaginable. The Joker variant covers for June are in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the Joker.

Regardless if fans like Rafael Albuquerque’s homage to Alan Moore’s THE KILLING JOKE graphic novel from 25 years ago, or find it inconsistent with the current tonality of the Batgirl books – threats of violence and harassment are wrong and have no place in comics or society.

We stand by our creative talent, and per Rafael’s request, DC Comics will not publish the Batgirl variant. – DC Entertainment


Comic Book News

Jim Lee Reveals Joker 75th Anniversary Variant

DC Comics co-publisher and artist extraordinaire, Jim Lee, has taken to his Facebook page to reveal his Joker 75th anniversary variant cover.

Joker variants will be gracing the covers to DC Comics’ June titles.

My Joker themed cover in celebration of his 75th anniversary! Pencils deliciously colored by @sinccolor #afterGilKane #dccomics #june


Comic Book News Marvel

Watch: Marvel Promo For James Patterson’s Max Ride: First Flight

This April sees the release of Marvel Comics’ adaptation of the popular James Patterson Max Ride novels.

Above you can check out a promo, which includes Patterson talking about the comic as well.

As it’s said Patterson gave Marvel a lot of leeway, it looks like they are going in a different direction for the characters’ wings.


Bringing the hit-sensation young adult series Maximum Ride to the world of comics as only Marvel could, this new series follows the high-flying adventures of Max and the “flock” – Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman and Angel. 

They’re a group of ordinary teenage kids – only they are part human and part avian! The product of genetic tampering that has given them extraordinary abilities, these six teens lives quickly morph into a living nightmare as they try to escape their creators and defend themselves from the deadly ”Erasers”. As Max uncovers the truth about her origins, she’ll discover her true calling – saving the world!


Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Announces Armor Wars Secret Wars

First teased back in October of last year, Marvel has now officially announced Armor Wars for the Secret Wars event.

“Armor Wars” was a seven issue arc from Iron Man issues #225-231.

If you haven’t read the story, be sure to pick up the trade. Great stuff.

I’m curious to see how these rehashed Secret Wars stories will be. Will they live up to the originals? Or will they just be goofball parodies?

Here’s the cover and info:


This June, venture to a wondrous techno-utopia, with a dark and sinister secret in ARMOR WARS #1 – a new Secret Wars series! Eisner-award winning writer James Robinson and artist Marcio Takara show you the beauty technology can bring…and the horrors it can unleash!

Welcome to Technopolis, a shining beacon for all Battleworld to see. Full of science and wonder created at the hands of rival genius brothers – Tony Stark and Arno Stark. Yet shadows fall over this armored Utopia. A unique disease forces EVERYONE to wear armor just to live and breathe!

“We’ve got this absolutely cool as heck city filled with absolutely cool as heck armored citizens,” says Senior Editor Mark Paniccia. “The design work that Marcio has done with both the environment of Technoplis and the armors of all the various characters deserves its own coffee table art book.

“Plus, James is delving into the kind of emotional and hard hitting story he excels at,” continues Paniccia. “He’s doing some amazing world-building and bringing us a mystery that—as it’s peeled back—will shock readers and make their hearts sink into their stomachs.”

But when murder strikes his domain, Baron Tony Stark must race against the clock to identify the mysterious killer. But is he too late to stop more bodies from showing up? And just who is the mysterious Iron Hand? Find out as the mechanical murder mystery kicks off in ARMOR WARS #1 this June!

Armor Wars #1




On Sale in June!


Comic Book News Marvel

90s X-Men Animated Series Returns For Marvel’s Secret Wars

X-Men opening

Probably the most popular Marvel animated series of all time will be returning in comic book form for Marvel’s upcoming Secret Wars event with X-Men: 92.

Secret Wars sees characters from Marvel’s different universes collide on Battleworld.

Check out the cover below, which is straight out of the cartoon.

X-Men: ’92 will be written by Chad Bowers and Chris Sims with art by Scott Koblish (via polygon).

The series will premiere digitally first in May followed by the print version in June.

The X-Men animated series aired on Saturday mornings on FOX back in 1992.


Comic Book News

Watch: Top 13 Undead DC Characters

With iZombie set to premiere this coming Tuesday following The Flash and today being Friday the 13th, the latest episide of DC All Acess goes over the top 13 DC undead characters.

In just a few days, The CW’s iZombie will introduce you to Liv Moore, one of the most uniquely different zombies you’re likely to meet. Of course, that’s assuming you’re not a comic book character because there are all kinds of zombies and other undead creatures to be found in the pages of DC and Vertigo comics. In this exclusive DC All Access clip, we list off our top thirteen favorites!

Comic Book News Marvel

Top Ten Comics For February 2015


Diamond Comics released their sales charts for February 2015 comic book sales.

We are now starting to see the effect that the geek box subscriptions have on sales as IDW Publishing’s Orphan Black takes the #1 spot overall. More than likely, it would have had a difficult time cracking the top 100.

Marvel then takes the top three spots with two Star Wars titles and Spider-Gwen. DC nabs only two spots.

We see that Star Wars #2 comes in probably still over 100k as it beats out Batman, which is a six figure regular.

I’m still betting Star Wars #2 will have the biggest sales drop ever as it’s first issue sold over 1 million copies, which was in part due to 60 variant covers and geek box subscriptions.

The question, at least for me is, does the geek box subscriptions have any lasting impace on sales? Does it bring in readers? Guess we’ll find out with Oprhan Black #2. I will say that it is nice to see an indie take the #1 spot for the month.

Other thoughts:

Marvel again dominates DC Comics in both dollar share and number of comics sold.

We also see that comic sales are up around 15% from a year prior, which is good news.

It will be interesting to see how DC’s Convergence effects the sales as their events usually do well; plus each comic is priced at $5 bucks a pop.

Marvel is also launching Secret Wars, which the zombies will be sure to chew up.





Comic Book News

DC Teaming With Fans For World Record Costume Event


WB Consumer Products and DC are teaming up with fans to set the world record for most people dressed as DC Comics super heroes in a 24 hour period.

Cities around the globe are participating in the DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event including Birmingham, Cardiff, Kaohsiung, Lille, London, Los Angeles, Lyon, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Paris, Queensland, Rome, Sao Paulo and Warrington.

The DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event – to take place on April 18, 2015 – will kick off in Queensland, Australia with a celebration at Movie World Australia theme park, and come to a commemorative close in Los Angeles, CA, USA at Hollywood & Highland.

“Warner Bros. Consumer Products is thrilled to team up with partners around the world to set the world record for the most people dressed as DC Comics Super Heroes,” said Brad Globe, President, Warner Bros. Consumer Products. “We invite fans of all ages to come out for this exciting family event and don their capes, cowls and masks to represent their favorite DC Comics Super Hero.”

At each event, fans dressed as DC Comics Super Heroes will gather to celebrate with interactive games and activities inspired by the famed world of DC Comics before formally attempting to set the world record. The DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event cities unveiled today, include:

· Birmingham, UK

· Cardiff, UK

· Kaohsiung, Taiwan

· Lille, France

· London, UK

· Los Angeles, CA, USA

· Lyon, France

· Madrid, Spain

· Manila, Philippines

· Mexico City, Mexico

· Paris, France

· Queensland, Australia

· Rome, Italy

· Sao Paulo, Brazil

· Warrington, UK

To participate in setting this heroic world record, DC Comics fans must dress from head-to-toe as an instantly recognized Super Hero that has been featured in a DC Comics published book, television program or film. The DC Comics Super Hero universe includes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Supergirl, Aquaman, Cyborg, Robin, Green Arrow, and many more. Both homemade costumes as well as official costumes from licensees and official event retail partners will be considered as long as they are a full representation of the Super Hero and are as close to the original DC Comics’ Super Hero’s costume as possible.

The world record will be set once fans gather in the assigned area at each local event and stay there for a full five minutes to be counted towards the record. WBCP will be working closely with retail and licensing partners in each market to offer exclusive merchandise, promotional support and more, to bring fans this exciting global event in each participating city.

Leading up to the one-day event, WBCP and DCE, together with local sponsors and organizers, will present DC Comics’ most ardent fans with the opportunity to demonstrate their fandom by entering into various photo contests and sweepstakes, including the “Best Super Hero Post” photo contest and the “Best Super Hero Photo Bomb” contest. DC Comics enthusiasts will also be able to compare and preview their costumes with a “Costume Preview Polling” contest presented by event organizers on social media. Follow #DCWorldRecord on Facebook and Twitter for more information on the contests.

For more information about the DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event, visit


Comic Book News

Now Wonder Woman Gets A New Costume

Add Wonder Woman to the list of changes following Convergence, as a new costume for the Amazonian princess debuts.

Check out the cover and solicit below for June’s Wonder Woman #41.

Speaking of changes, DC is going with an all-new Batman, Superman gets a hair cut, the GLC get lost and Kyle Rayner gets murdered.

Art and cover by DAVID FINCH and 
On sale JUNE 17 • 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US RATED T
Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
A daring new direction begins with the arrival of a brand-new villain! But while he may be new to us, he’s not new to the world he seeks to tame. And speaking of villains, Donna Troy’s quest to destroy Wonder Woman ratchets up another gear (if that’s even possible!), while the games of the Gods bring dark portents to the ultimate Amazon!


(via Hit Fix)

Comic Book News

DC Killing Off Kyle Rayner Post-Convergence?

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:19616:]]Green Lantern: New Guardians #40

Superman gets a hair cut, The GLC are getting lost, Sinestro looks to rise, Batman is – what he is, and now it appears Kyle Rayner is getting killed off.

Say what you want about DC Comics following their upcoming Convergence event, but someone at DC obviously has a set of cajones to go with all these changes.

DC will be launching a new Omega Men series in June with the solicit for the first issue reading as follows:

The Omega Men are back in an all-new series! They’ve murdered White Lantern Kyle Rayner and now, the universe wants them to pay! Who are these intergalactic criminals – and is there more to their actions than meets the eye?

With the GLC missing along with John Stewart, and apparently Kyle Rayner dead, that only leaves Hal Jordan in the “regular” DCU.

However, Hal seems to be having issues of his own as he apparently drops the ring following Convergence.

DC also drops most of the GL titles as technically following Convergence there is only one with Green Lantern: The Lost Army (two if you count Sinestro).

Things don’t look good for the Corps.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Will Be At Comic-Con


James Gunn recently stated Marvel isn’t going to be at Comic-Con, and that he might not be there either.

Of course, this caused quite the commotion online as comic book movies happen to be he biggest draw for the convention.

No Marvel Studios means no Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, no Doctor Strange. No Avengers.

With Gunn stating no Marvel does that mean Marvel Comics as well?

Thankfully it doesn’t, True Believers, as Marvel Comics’ Senior Vice President of Publishing and executive editor Tom Brevoort confirms the presence of Marvel Comics at Comic-Con this Summer.

“I have no idea what Marvel Studios does or does not have planned for San Diego,” Brevoort replied on Tumblr when a fan asked if Marvel Comics will be attending the SDCC. “Marvel Comics will be there.”

Marvel Comics normally puts on one of the best exhibits and panels at the various conventions, so at least fans can look forward to that.

Regarding Gunn’s comments, Marvel Studios has yet to officially announce they are bowing out of Comic-Con, but if it’s true, it’s thought Marvel Studios will be holding their own presentation later in the year (maybe to announce the new Spider-Man and such).

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