Cody Rhodes Comes To Arrow Season 5 Episode 3


Stephen Amell entered the world of Cody Rhodes by participating in a wrestling match, and now it’s the former WWE Superstar known as Stardust’s turn to return the favor by appearing on Arrow.

The CW released the Arrow Season 5 Episode 3 synopsis for “A Matter of Trust” revealing Cody Rhodes as a villain.

WWE STAR CODY RHODES BRINGS THE SMACKDOWN TO STAR CITY — Now that Oliver (Stephen Amell) has his new team, they are ready to hit the streets but Oliver doesn’t feel they are ready. Headstrong Wild Dog (guest star Rick Gonzalez) defies the Green Arrow’s orders and sets out on his own after a new drug dealer, Garret Runnels (guest star Cody Rhodes), who is terrorizing Star City. Runnels proves more powerful than Wild Dog and it is up to the Green Arrow to go head to head with Runnels to save his teammate.

Arrow Season 5 premieres Wednesday, October 5th at 8pm ET.

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