Chris Hemsworth Getting Jacked For Thor: Love and Thunder


Marvel actor Chris Hemsworth is spending his coronavirus free time by getting jacked in preparation for Thor: Love and Thunder.

The Aussie actor has been posting videos of himself on Instagram where his muscular arms can be seen.

Chris Hemsworth is also giving away 6 weeks free of his exercise App, Centr.

“Hi there all, during this period of self-isolation and uncertainty, I am offering six weeks of my health and fitness program @Centrfit for FREE!” posted Hemsworth on Instagram. “Go to and sign-up. Centr was founded to make health and happiness accessible to all, and I hope that this will make that access even easier during the current global health crisis. I think now more than ever is when we need to focus on what I believe to be the 3 key pillars to living healthier and happier- movement, nutrition, and mental fitness. In recent weeks Centr has seen a groundswell of support from our customers and communities, with thousands of members around the world coming together and sharing how the program has brought them positivity and support during these difficult times. Available at only, for new users only.”

Chris Hemsworth jacked

Chris Hemsworth back in Thor shape

The free six-week trial is only available for a couple more days.

“A huge thank you! Humbled by the support and pleased we can help at this time The @centrfit 6 week free trail is available until March 31st only on Keep an eye out for an at home workout with @zocobodypro and me coming soon. Stay safe, be well,” said Hemsworth on Instagram.

His most latest video shows just how jacked he is becoming as Hemsworth peforms different versions of push-ups.

“Haven’t seen any home workouts out lately, so wanted to be the first to get one out there. Here’s one from @centrfit and is part of our Centr 6 program. Hope you enjoy it. And If you’d like to receive 6 free weeks make sure to sign up by 31st of March via (not the app) link in my bio. Stay safe and healthy!” said Hemsworth.

Check out the videos below.

Thor Love and Thunder

Chris Hemsworth getting back in Thor shape may also mean we’ve seen the last of “fat Thor.”

It’s been said that Thor: Love and Thunder is supposed to start filming in July, so hopefully the coronavirus is all done by then. The flick is directed by Taika Waititi and also stars Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, and Christian Bale is playing the villain. The movie gets released on November 5, 2021.

Chris Hemsworth videos:


Hi there all, during this period of self isolation and uncertainty, I am offering six weeks of my health and fitness program @Centrfit for FREE! Go to and sign-up. Centr was founded to make health and happiness accessible to all, and I hope that this will make that access even easier during the current global health crisis. I think now more than ever is when we need to focus on what I believe to be the 3 key pillars to living healthier and happier- movement, nutrition, and mental fitness. In recent weeks Centr has seen a groundswell of support from our customers and communities, with thousands of members around the world coming together and sharing how the program has brought them positivity and support during these difficult times. Available at only, for new users only.

A post shared by Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) on

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