Captain America: Civil War Trailer Description From Philippines Comic-Con


Marvel showed off the Captain America: Civil War trailer at the Philippines Comic-Con which saw Paul Bettany in attendance.

From all accounts the Captain America: Civil War trailer was the same one from last month’s D23 Expo, with possibly some extended footage.

A user on Reddit offered the following description:

So as you all know, a big major convention was held in my country for what I think is the first time. One of the biggest draws of this event was the scheduling of an exclusive sneak peek at Civil War along with a Paul Bettany appearance. Went to the venue as early as I could, got in line and waited diligently for about 2 hours. They surprisingly made an effort to prevent bootlegging; they confiscated our phones etc which I still felt wasn’t enough. Someone could have probably slipped a GoPro or a smaller device undetected.

We wait for around half an hour or so then Paul Bettany goes in the room and the crowd goes wild. No fanfare, no big “PLEASE WELCOME PAUL BETTANY!!” intro. The man just walks in out of nowhere with a bunch of bodyguards and everyone loses their minds. He makes his way through the room and sits a few feet away from where I was sitting. The presentation begins as a Disney rep goes in and does a short intro about the movie. Then the trailer happens!!!

DISCLAIMER: It was without a doubt the D23 trailer that everyone here pretty much talked about several weeks back. It even had a watermark.

Most of your probably know what that trailer looked like but here are my takeaways from viewing it twice. Yes we got to see it twice.

Redwing seriously looks amazing!! The trailer does open with Cap’s team in the African Market. Falcon mans a stealthy Redwing making its way under a van filled with explosives. Cap orders the team to attack. Falcon does an super awesome dive from the rooftop he’s in and doesn’t pull out his wings until landing closely.

We see another van open and Crossbones steps up along with his goons; with the most prominent goon being Ex-Thanos actor Damion Poitier.. Black Widow makes her way to the market in a very cool tracking shot reminiscent of her sequence in IM2 and does her signature leg wrap on Poiter. Falcon also does a pretty cool set of combat moves utilizing his wings.

You know those on set pics of Cap and the crowd screaming at something above them in fear? It’s Cap throwing a grenade in the air. Someone fires a grenade at him (I think it’s Crossbones) and it latches on to his shield. Cap tosses it in the air before it explodes. As Cap flinches at the air explosion, Crossbones kicks him hard from behind and their fight happens. I didn’t notice anything different from the D23 descriptions in this one. Cap dismantles one of Crossbones’ gauntlets pretty quickly. Crossbones then pops a blade out of the other gauntlet. Again, Cap beats him up and cracks his helmet. We don’t get a good look at Rumlow’s burnt face here.

VO by General Ross – looking a lot slimmer since his TIH appearance. Talks about vigilantism. We see a shot of – what looks like – Steve Rogers preventing a helicopter from crashing in slowmo. He pushes it away with one hand as his other hand is against a railing. We see his Avengers team going through a series of control rooms. They are led by Martin Freeman’s character. In the blink-and-youll-miss-it moments he had, definitely felt more like a Henry Gyrich than an Everett Ross.

The Ant-Man post credits scene happens. Bucky does remember Steve. He tells him his mother’s name and how he used to put newspaper in his shoes – you know D23 stuff. Best part of this scene is how Bucky delivers that line with an expression of relief and pain. Steve does a heartfelt smile. You just know how happy he is to have his bestfriend back.

Quick cuts of what looks like Cap smashing a soldier into a column. Bucky in his red jacket outfit punching other soldiers. Several shots of Crossbone with a different looking mask; this time with a yellow looking visor. These Crossbone shots are intersected with scenes that are set in this building. We get to see that truck flip.. More shots of Crossbones walking down a hall. Lots of flickering lights in what appears to be the control center I mentioned earlier.

One of the more interesting shots in the trailer was Cap and Bucky walking in snow towards a secret looking base in full superhero attire. The shot was barely 2 seconds but man did Bucky & Cap standing side by side in a mission look f—ing good.

Holy sh-t that shot of the funeral scene. You see that scene happening – where they’re carrying the casket in the aisle – and how beautifully framed it was, expect the tears to flow. Considering how we pretty much know who’s funeral that is, Cap carrying the casket makes this scene heartbreaking to watch.

Those Tony Stark lines to Steve about how he wanted to punch him in his perfect teeth? I was expecting it to be during a fight. Those scenes were set in a conference room, probably from the same venue where those control rooms are. We see a helmetless Iron Man open an elevator door with his hands and he has a huge black eye. Another with Tony Stark walking behind General Ross.

Super fast glances at the other heroes. Hawkeye doing Hawkeye stuff with his bow. The Vision pondering as he plays chess in a suit. There’s also a super fast shot of Black Panther revealing his claws as he’s locking up against Hawkeye’s bow.

We then see that infamous airport fight scene thanks to those leaked pics from a few weeks back. The money shot of Cap’s team running though the tarmac was unimpressive to be honest. One dude online said it best – “It looked like the scene in Anchorman when all the news teams converged in that alley and fought.”. It looked really goofy and awkward. But then again, this is the D23 trailer they cut a month ago. A ton could be added to that scene for some kickass superhero flair.

That end tag with Ant-Man was what you’d expect it to be. The theater went insane just seeing Paul Rudd in the trailer. He’s going to be one of the best additions in the movie no doubt. He cops a feel of Steve’s pecs.

That’s pretty much all I have in mind now. I might remember some scenes later. There’s probably more detailed info out there but will definitely update this thread if more come to mind. There was a Q&A after the panel which I was not able to attend thanks to a mixup in the schedule. Feel free to ask questions!

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Emily VanCamp, William Hurt, Martin Freeman and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Captain America: Civil War picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.

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