Lawyer for Beau DeMayo Denies He Sent Nude Photos

beau demyao lawyer denies nude photos

The lawyer for Beau DeMayo is firing back against the recent claims the creator of X-Men ’97 sent nude photos to staffers.

The claims were first made by Jeff Sneider following a heated exchange on Thursday night between Beau DeMayo on social media and Marvel through the trades.

beau demayo marvel x men cyclops art
Fan art that reportedly got Bea DeMayo removed from the X-Men ’97 Season 2 credits

Prior to the premiere, Beau DeMayo was let go from X-Men ’97 for undisclosed reasons. DeMayo then claimed he was removed from the Season 2 credits by Marvel for posting gay pride art of himself as Cyclops. However, Marvel quickly fired back with a statement of their own stating they conducted an internal investigation which uncovered “egregious” findings.

Now The Streamr reports they have heard similar accusations about Beau DeMayo.

The site claims they have heard from numerous unconnected sources that DeMayo sent photos and videos of himself to people who reported to him. The site also says multiple people reported DeMayo to HR at Disney, which DeMayo’s lawyer didn’t deny. The site says when one person reported DeMayo to Disney HR, that led to other people coming out and reporting DeMayo to HR, as well. The multiple reports then led to the investigation by Marvel and subsequent firing of DeMayo. The Stream further claims that at least one person quit X-Men ’97 under DeMayo’s tenure.

Beau DeMayo’s lawyer, Bryan Freedman, responded to The Streamr. He said regarding the one person quitting “that’s like every single day on every single show.”

Freedman also claims the reason Beau DeMayo was fired was because “a certain person” at Disney tried to replace DeMayo because “he was becoming more successful than other creators.”

The lawyer also threatened the site and said if they publish the allegations, “If untrue, you will be sued immediately.”

Freedman also released the following statement:

You realize that Disney allowed Beau to have an Only Fans page while working for the company. No clue if someone quit while he was showrunner but that’s like every single day on every single show. 

My client never sent lewd videos and photos to his direct reports. That is a bald faced lie and defamatory. 

No one who reported Beau to HR received an inappropriate photo or video. That is simply untrue. As a proud gay black man, Disney knew exactly who he was and what he stood up for. That’s why they did not tell him to stop his only fans page. They let him be himself which allowed his creativity to thrive. When they objected to his free speech rights and not complying with illegal NDA’s a certain person over there tried to replace him because he was becoming more successful than other creators. 

Ask Disney if his separation agreement illegally silenced him. Let me know what they say. 

Don’t print this crap. It’s wrong and defamatory.

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