Batman’s Christian Bale Says No To Marvel Movies


With Christian Bale out of the Batman movie universe, would The Dark Knight actor like a return to a superhero role?

Collider spoke with Christian Bale about his latest movie, The Promise, and asked Bale if he would be interested in doing another comic book movie or even work for Marvel.

Bale says a big no to that idea and offers up he’s not interested in any more superhero films. 

No, I’m not interested in doing that. I’ve never seen — I’m trying to think if that’s correct, I think I’m actually correct, I can’t remember a single superhero film that I’ve ever watched. Apart from the ones I made and like, the Christopher Reeve Superman films.

Christian Bale continues with mention that he did enjoy the Donner Superman movies, but hasn’t seen any other comic book flicks. 

Yes. Yes, I love those. Other than that, no I’ve never seen anything.

It’s noted how big the comic book movie genre currently is and will only get bigger, but this fails to entice Christian Bale into doing more superhero films.

Right. Yes. I have no understanding of it and I’m completely blind to it.

Christian Bale starred as Batman for Christopher Nolan in The Dark Knight Trilogy which kicked off back in 2005 with Batman Begins. The sequels, including The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, would make over a billion dollars each.

Following The Dark Knight Trilogy, WB released Man of Steel which spearheaded the DCEU leading to Ben Affleck’s debut as the new Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Up next for the DCEU is Wonder Woman and Justice League.

Christian Bale’s The Promise has an April 21, 2017 release directed by Terry George.  

If you enjoyed Christian Bale as Batman, be sure to check out his 2002 flick if you haven’t seen it, Equilibrium.

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