Avengers Actors Get Illuminati Tattoos

Avengers Actors Get Illuminati Tattoos

I tweeted about this earlier, so I figured I would do a write-up about the Avengers tattoo and have some fun with it…

Following the release of The Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel actors went out and all got the same Avengers-inspired tattoo.

While some Redditors came up with illustrations suggesting the tattoo actually is a representation of the Avengers characters (see below) my conspiracy-minded self saw the real meaning behind the symbols.

It’s the Illuminati!

Avengers Tattoo

It’s no secret that the Illuminati uses Hollywood to further their nefarious agenda in regards to global domination and mass enslavement. Heck, Thanos himself is a representation of the Illuminati in Infinity War as his mission is to wipe out half of the universe’s population for the “betterment” of mankind, which is the mission (or one of) of the Illuminati.

Now Robert Downey Jr. reveals that he and four other Marvel actors went out and got the Avengers tattoo, with Mark Ruffalo presently opting out, though Chris Evans said they need to get Ruffalo “blackout” drunk to get him one. Along with Robert Downey Jr. getting the Avengers tattoo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Chris Hemsworth also got the brand. 

So here is my Illuminati interpretation of the Avengers tattoo:

The most obvious symbol is the number “6,” which of course is a part of 666, the Mark of the Beast. Six Avengers, six actors (if Ruffalo ever joins) and the number “6.” That’s 666, which is from the book of Revelation 13:18. The number “13” is the number of being reborn, and “18” is a representation of 6+6+6 representing the degrees of various secret societies, masons, etc, where a man becomes the Perfected Man.

Avengers Tattoo

Turn the “6” upside down and it becomes “G,” which stands for “Gnosis” in Freemasonry (not God):

Avengers Tattoo Illuminati

The second most obvious symbol is the pentagram, which is formed by the “A” and the “arrow.” Now we all know the pentagram is associated with dastardly deeds (Baphomet, etc), so we don’t have go into much detail here:

Avengers Tattoo Illuminati

Avengers Tattoo

Again, turn the Avengers tattoo upside down (because it’s on an arm; so which side is “up” depends on your perspective) and the pentagram becomes an All-Seeing Eye. The “6” or the “G” (gnosis, knowledge) forms the eye of the pyramid, which is the all-seeing eye of Osiris. You see the symbol in all sorts of logos ranging from America Online to the dollar bill. Makes you wonder why no one has ever filed a copyright infringement claim, eh??   

Avengers Tattoo

The arrow also points both up and down (again, depending on your perspective), which is a representation of “as above so below,” which is the Illuminati belief that man is really a god, man is equal to God, etc.: 

Avengers Tattoo

Interestingly enough, The Avengers: Age Of Ultron also featured an Illuminati Easter Egg, and we also know the Marvel Comics featured the Illuminati, so if anything, maybe the actors are teasing the storyline for the MCU, which wouldn’t be unheard of (and the story features the Infinity Gems).

For even more conspiracy theories regarding Hollywood, try looking up the real meaning behind 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars and Star Trek, where X-Files stole their ideas from, and Johansson even starred in a movie titled “Lucy.”

Here are the Redditor designs:

Avengers Tattoo

Avengers Tattoo

Marvel Comics Illuminati (note: 6 characters):

Marvel Comics Illuminati

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