Avengers 4 Post-Credit Scene Fan Theory Rocks!

Avengers 4 Post-Credit Scene Fan Theory Rocks!

Fans are certainly having a field day theorizing about the Infinity War sequel, with the latest being The Avengers 4 post-credit scene featuring Captain America and Peggy Carter.

A fan took to Twitter to offer up what he thinks should happen in The Avengers 4 post-credit scene, which has since gone viral with near 20K retweets and almost 100K likes on Twitter.

Of course the fan is alluding to the fact that Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter never got to dance during Captain America: The First Avengers as Cap was put on ice. From there, the dance would be alluded to in The Avengers: Age Of Ultron during a dream sequence, and then during Captain America: Civil War, it was teased when Steve Rogers interacted with the older Peggy prior to her death. Have a look:

I actually wouldn’t be surprised if each of the dead Avengers got their own The Avengers 4 post-credit scene, assuming they die that is, which is thought to happen because the original actors’ contracts are up following the flick.

A recent rumor also offered that The Avengers 4 post-credit scene involves none other than Ultron.

Avengers 4

The Avengers 4

While we wait for The Avengers 4 post-credit scene, we still have to watch the entire movie leading up to the footage, which directors Anthony and Joe Russo, writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and Thor actor Chris Hemsworth, said is bigger, better and more shocking than Infinity War.

“You know, we’re very proud of it. I think ultimately Avengers 4 may be our best work for Marvel. I think we’ve grown with every movie that we’ve made there. We’ve grown with the characters. We’ve grown with the cast. As filmmakers we’re very happy and very excited with the movie,” Joe Russo said in a previous interview. “I feel like with Avengers 4, because it was made before there was any response to Avengers 3, it’s really pure in that regard. The storytelling is very pure. It’s without any sort of external noise creeping in at.”

“We’re pretty happy with it. Because boy, Avengers 4, if anything, is better than what you just saw,” McFeely said back in April. “And bigger,” Markus added.

Avegners 4

“If you were shocked by [Infinity War], I think the second one is even more shocking, for other reasons entirely,” Hemsworth said recently. “That’s what kind of blew me away the first time I read both scripts, is how they managed to orchestrate so many different characters but give them each their own separate shot and moments, and have it be elevated and feel fresh and unique—not just like a messy, thrown-together assembly of these guys.”

Hemsworth continued, “The second one, I’m probably even more excited about. Just for people to see. I just think it’s another step again. Each step we seem to take with these films, I’ve loved the fact that there’s been growth and evolution, and it continues to surprise people as opposed to sort of flat-lining, which was obviously always a fear—that they’d run out of ideas or run dry of creative excitement. For me, this whole experience has been incredible. In particular the last one.”

The Avengers 4 has a May 3, 2019 release also starring Robert Downey Jr.

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