Ash Vs Evil Dead Canceled

Evil Dead

Starz has officially canceled Ash vs. Evil Dead, and there will be no Season 4.

The series was a spinoff of the cult-favorite Sam Raimi Evil Dead flicks starring Bruce Campbell.

Ash v Evil Dead has taken audiences on a wild ride for three seasons thanks to the fantastic performances and creative efforts of Sam, Bruce, Rob and the entire cast and crew. We are proud to send the show out with a bang…and a splat,” said Carmi Zlotnik, President of Programming for Starz.

Bruce Campbell also took to Twitter.

“Ash Vs Evil Dead has been the ride of a lifetime. Ash Williams was the role of a lifetime,” Campbell tweeted. “I will always be grateful to Starz, Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and our tireless fans for the opportunity to revisit the franchise that launched our careers. Thank you.”

Three years ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi and Lucy Lawless for the show at the NYCC, and speaking from a fan perspective, it was a surreal moment as I grew up watching Evil Dead. To this day, I can recall going to the video store (VHS) and picking out the Evil Dead movies off the rack because of the cool name and box art. I even dressed as Ash one time for Halloween.

I believe the first two seasons can currently be watched on Netflix, with the third season airing now on Starz.  

Ash Vs Evil Dead

Ash Vs Evil Dead

Evil Dead

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