Ant-Man 2 Director Addresses Infinity War Error

Ant-Man 2 Director Addresses Infinity War Error

With ten years of Marvel movies, the MCU directors behind all the films and Kevin Feige had a lot of syncing up to do regarding The Avengers: Infinity War, with some fans questioning how Ant-Man 2 fit into things.

I actually didn’t have a problem at all with how The Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp meshed, but some fans have brought up the fact that Black Widow explained why both Ant-Man and Hawkeye weren’t around in Infinity War was because they were on house arrest following Captain America: Civil War–but at the same time, the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp revealed Scott Lang was done with his two years of house arrest when Thanos did the “snap heard around the universe.”

Again, I thought the timelines matched up pretty well, as Scott Lang was on house arrest, but the post-credit scene for Ant-Man 2 showed “The Snap,” so Lang seemed to be on house arrest for most of the events of Infinity War previous to the snap, but I guess it’s argued there was a time gap between Ant-Man 2 and Infinity War?

Ant-Man 2

Regardless, Ant-Man and the Wasp director Peyton Reed felt he needed to explain things.

“Listen, maybe they just didn’t think he was up to the task. It’s still to be determined what the Avengers actually think of Scott Lang,” Reed said. “And again, I like the idea that at the beginning of this movie that he’s not Ant-Man. And he’s kind of wrestling with the idea of ‘Is there space in my life to be Ant-Man? I know I like it.’ But overtime he’s put on that suit, it’s brought him a lot of trouble.”

Reed continued with mention that Ant-Man 2 does take place before Infinity War and says both movies only take place during a few days, but confirms time does pass between the movies, with the Ant-Man and the Wasp post-credit scene being the only real connection.

“I mean, we have to assume that Hank and Janet spent a little time in their seaside house, wherever on this remote island, and came back and got to work on this Quantum experiment,” Reed explained. “So, you know, it is undetermined, but it’s not that long a period of time, because we really do play our characters [where] they are sort of in their bubble doing their thing and really unaware of all the events that are happening.”

We can also probably add that Black Widow may not have had her info 100% right, but was mostly correct (meaning: not that big of a deal).

Look for Paul Rudd and Ant-Man to return in The Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019!

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