Andre Gordon Teases Green Lantern Justice League Fan Film


It appears as if there might be some soft of Green Lantern Justice League fan film in the works.

An actor on Instagram, Andrew Gordon, teased a Green Lantern project with what looks to be 4Horsemen Studios.

"The pieces are coming together and it feels good!" Gordon posted, adding in the comments: "The most epic film 4Horsemen Studios yet."

Gordon also posted references to Green Lantern, John Stewart and the Green Lantern Corps in other posts on Instagram, with images revealing he is in training for the role.

A big clue that this might be a fan project comes from the fact that Andre Gordon mentions/is friends with Kevin Porter, who did that Batman/Punisher Super Power Beat down fan video. 

WB is developing a Green Lantern Corps movie and Green Lantern is rumored for Justice League, but this seems a stretch.

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