Amber Heard’s Mera Justice League Costume Said To Be Awesome


Amber Heard is currently in London for filming of the Justice League movie where she plays the Atlantean undersea queen warrior, Mera.

An Amber Heard fan site on Twitter got word that the Mera “costume is amazing. It’s basically a one suit of green scales that gradually turn transparent and become integrated.”

Likewise, a few months ago saw Amber Heard mention her Mera costume with a similar description.

“It’s interesting. It’s like, half suit of armor, half scales,” Amber Heard revealed. “It’s strange… We’re in the process of building it now, so it’s coming along.”

Amber Heard has been training for the role of Mera in Justice League through intensive three-hour workouts and cardio sessions in addition to undergoing combat and stunt training (via Daily Mail).

Following Justice League, Aber Heard will star in the Aquaman movie with Jason Momoa where she is said to be the love interest of the King of the Seven Seas.

Aquaman has a July 27, 2018 release date directed by James Wan.

“Justice League” has a November 17, 2017 release directed by Zack Snyder starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon and Willem Dafoe as an Atlantean.

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