Advanced Review: Fatale #1 (Brubaker, Phillips & Stewart)



From the critically acclaimed creative team that brought fans both Criminal and Sleeper, comes their new work of pure genius — Fatale!
Taking place between the years 2011 and 1956, fans are enthralled within the pulp noir world that this trio always creates so poetically. Following Nicolas Lash, in the present, we find that his godfather has left him sole aire to his estate, and with it, a manuscript that brings him an earth shattering change of events.
In the past, we get to see first hand what Nicolas' godfather, Dominic Hank Raines, has been up to. A reporter that may have bitten off more that he can chew, "Hank," is following a trail of police corruption. A trail that just may cost him everything that he holds dear.
Linking these two tales is the silky seductress, Jo. A woman that holds more secrets than both "Hank" and Nicolas can ever imagine! A secret that requires sacrifice in order to fully function properly. 
Brubaker, Phillips and Stewart combine their efforts to create a book that fans will comfortably slide into. Like a siren song, the trio, creates a book that is overtly seductive, lulling you into submission before punching you in the face with all out pure adrenaline! They craft a tale that will seem familiar to fans of their work, but the underlying tone of this book is something much darker than what we've seen before. There is something lurking on the fringe, something that smiles when you are not looking, something that undulates beneath it all. And that is what keeps this tale fresh and completely original in a world we have all seen before. In a word, this book is — FANTASTIC!
In the New Year, there is only one book that should hold the honor of sitting atop your pull list — Fatale! Remember it, you won't regret it! 

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