Marvel: Kevin Feige Disagrees With Quentin Tarantino

Marvel: Kevin Feige Disagrees With Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino recently came out and said the loss of Hollywood movie stars is in part due to the “Marvel-ization of Hollywood.”

The head of Marvel, Kevin Feige, however, disagrees with Tarantino and even his own movie star, Chris Evans, who in an interview with GQ, agreed with Tarantino.

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What did Chris Evans say?

Chris Evans said: “That was the beauty of working on Marvel films. You never really had to be front and center. Even in your own films sometimes. Quentin Tarantino said it recently — part of the Marvel-ization of Hollywood is, you have all these actors who have become famous playing these characters, but they’re not movie stars. Captain America is the star — and I was like, you know, he’s right. The character is the star. You’re there, but you don’t feel the burden of it.” 

the avengers movie

What did Kevin Feige say?

The interview includes a quote from Feige who disagrees with the notion: “I think it’s something [Chris Evans] was telling himself, and I think it’s something many of the Avengers, including Robert, would tell themselves, which actually was very helpful to the process. But in certain cases, including Chris’s, it’s not entirely true.”

iron man captain america

What did Quentin Tarantino say about Marvel?

Back in November of last year in a director’s recent interview on the Bears, 1 Cave podcast, Tarantino said the Marvel actors aren’t movie stars.

“Part of the Marvel-ization of Hollywood is…you have all these actors who have become famous playing these characters. But they’re not movie stars. Right? Captain America is the star. Or Thor is the star. I mean, I’m not the first person to say that. I think that’s been said a zillion times…but it’s like, you know, it’s these franchise characters that become a star,” said Tarantino.

Tarantino did clarify he doesn’t hate Marvel but says he isn’t excited about them and that they seem to be the only movies getting made as of late.

“Look, I used to collect Marvel comics like crazy when I was a kid. There’s an aspect that if these movies were coming out when I was in my twenties, I would totally be fucking happy and totally love them. I mean, they wouldn’t be the only movies being made. They would be those movies amongst other movies. But, you know, I’m almost 60, so yeah. No, I’m not quite as excited about them,” he said.

Tarantino continued, “My only axe to grind against them is they’re the only things that seem to be made. And they’re the only things that seem to generate any kind of excitement amongst a fan base or even for the studio making them. That’s what they’re excited about. And so it’s just the fact that they are the entire representation of this era of movies right now. There’s not really much room for anything else. That’s my problem.”

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