Avengers: Infinity War: James Gunn Keeping Tabs On Guardians of the Galaxy


James Gunn doesn't happen to be a big fan of football, so the director of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 went live on Facebook last night to chat about the new spot that dropped.

Among some of the topics that James Gunn addressed was the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War movie, of which he is executive producer on, as Avengers: Infinity War features members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. 

Gunn offers up he is keeping close tabs on the Guardians of the Galaxy characters so they will get them right in the film:

"Am I going to have any involvement with Infinity War, yes, I'm an executive producer on Infinity War. I've been working hard with the Russo Brothers, the Marvel guys, Kevin Feige to make sure that any of the characters that I'm involved with that are in that movie are well taken care of and are as funny as they should be, and is as honest and truthful as they should be, so I've been dealing with them all the time. I've been talking to the actors on set every single day as we go through production and it's been a great experience."

It will be interesting to see how the characters of the Guardians of the Galaxy interact with the Avengers. While characters like Rocket and Groot might work in an outer space setting, having them on Earth might be a tough sell.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 hits May 5, 2017, with The Avengers: Infinity War on May 4, 2018. 

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