Deadpool 2 Won’t Be Bigger: Cable & Domino Confirmed



With the first Deadpool movie netting near $800 million on a $50 million budget, it’s no wonder that the sequel is moving forward–especially considering it took ten years to get the first one made. caught up with Ryan Reynolds and Simon Kinberg to get an update about where Deadpool 2 is currently at.

“We’re just in the development stage but we’re about to move into production,” Ryan Reynolds said, with the article noting Reynolds confirms that they’re currently casting for Cable and “we’re looking at” the telekinetic female merc Domino as another character for Deadpool 2. 

While Deadpool was a huge hit at the box office, it wasn’t without its ups and downs, as Tim Miller has departed Deadpool 2 over creative differences with Ryan Reynolds. The good news is that Deadpool 2 will be directed by John Wick‘s David Leitch.   

“Everbody was just a fan of his work,”  Reynolds said about Leitch. “He’s just a guy who’s so muscular with his action. He also really understands those Deadpool sensibilities and where we need to take the franchise from here. And I love John Wick. One of the things that David Leitch does that very few filmmakers can do these days is they can make a movie on an ultra tight minimal budget look like it was shot for 10-15 times what it cost.” 

With the first Deadpool movie only having a $50 million budget and grossing so much, you would think Reynolds and Fox Studios would want to go even bigger for Deadpool 2, but that’s not the case as Deadpool 2 will stick to its original formula.  

“The goal for us when we sat down and started talking about it was it needs to be as provocative and startling as the first film which means it can’t just be a continuation of the first film,” producer Simon Kinberg said. “It has tonally and stylistically be as fresh and original. That’s a big challenge especially because they had 10 years to gestate on the first movie and we don’t have that kind of time on the second movie. That’s the biggest mandate going into on the second film: to not make it bigger. We have to resist the temptation to make it bigger in scale and scope, which is normally what you do when you have a surprise hit movie. But actually stay true to the tenets of it’s the tone and the style and the humor that make it so special — it’s not the explosions and the special effects.” 

“Deadpool” 2 has no release date as of yet and is being written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the writers of the first “Deadpool.” Ryan Reynolds is also on board as producer. Deadpool 3 is also in developemnt and will feature X-Force.

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