More Marvel & Star Wars Movies Being Planned By Disney


More Marvel and Star Wars movies are on the way.

Disney CEO Bob Iger spoke more Marvel and Star Wars at Goldman Sachs Communacopia.

“I had a meeting yesterday with Kathy Kennedy and we mapped out — well, we reviewed — the ‘Star Wars’ plans that we have ’til 2020,” Iger said. “We have movies in development for Star Wars ’til then, and we started talking about what we’re going to do in 2021 and beyond.”

Update: Bob Iger confirmed the Star Wars 2020 movie is in development.

Currently, Disney has plans for Star Wars: Rogue One coming out this December, Star Wars: Episode VIII in 2017, Han Solo in 2018 and Star Wars: Episode IX in 2019. Per Iger’s words above another Star Wars movie is coming out in 2020, with it previously rumored to be a Boba Fett movie.

Regarding Marvel:

“We had a similar meeting with Marvel a week-and-a-half ago to plot (those films) out, where we’ve got movies in either development or production — some nearing completion — through the end of this decade. (There) we too are beginning to talk about what do we do the next decade, and so on.”

Marvel has Doctor Strange this November, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 next May, Spider-Man: Homecoming July 2017, Thor: Rangarok November 2017, Black Panther February 2018, Avengers: Infinity War May 2018, Ant-Man and Wasp July 2018, Captain Marvel March 2018, and The Avengers 4 May 2019. The Inhumans movie is rumored to be cancelled.

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