New Chadwick Boseman Black Panther Concept Art


Check out a batch of new Black Panther concept art from the Captain America: Civil War Art of the Movie book.

Chadwick Boseman plays Black Panther, with the solo movie due out February 16, 2018 also starring Michael B. Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o, with Andy Serkis possibly back as Ulysses Klaue.

You can buy the Captain America: Civil War Art of the Movie book on Amazon. It’s loaded with images and info!

A cool tidbit revealed in the book is that the Russo brothers didn’t want Black Panther to have to rely on his claws all the time to fight, so that’s why they made the claws retractable — and also added Vibranium to the knuckles.

“The Russo brothers were very interested in having Panther be able to fight with claws, but not be tied to fighting with them all the time — the idea that he could retract them and still have a regular fistfight with someone,” Marvel concept artist Ryan Meinerding says. “So there are Vibranium claws that can extend and retract, and he also has pieces of Vibranium worked into his knuckles so when he fights he’s just as formidable with simple punches.”

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