Captain Marvel Already Canceled Following ‘The Marvels’ Failure

captain marvel canceled the marvels failure

Marvel Comics promised retailers they wouldn’t cancel titles “early” and would given them at least ten issues, and that is exactly what Captain Marvel got.

It’s learned that the latest relaunch of the Captain Marvel comic book that coincided with the release of The Marvels has been canceled after only ten issues.

It’s probably safe to say the series would have been canceled earlier if Marvel Comics didn’t promise retailers they would try to help keep books around to increase sales. But as we see, just like all the other launches for this character from the past 10 years, fans aren’t interested in Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel. They never have been. Meanwhile, my favorite characters and titles that had “rock solid” sales haven’t been allowed to have their own comics for years.

captain marvel 10 canceled last page

Captain Marvel canceled yet again

Thanks to CBM, it’s learned in the letters page of Captain Marvel #10, editor Sarah Brunstad announced the news of the cancellation:

Ah, dear friends. Here we part, for a short time. Captain Marvel stories will continue in the gangbuster Avengers series and elsewhere (check out the new ongoing Avengers Academy, Marvel Unlimited subscribers!).

But her solo series needs a hiatus while we build the next great story. Keep the faith, True Believer. Keep the Corps strong. We’ll see you soon.

The writer of the series, Alyssa Wong, also chimed in:

What a wild ride! I’ve had so much fun writing Carol, Yuna, and some true cosmic weirdness.
From place-swapping shenanigans to body horror, high-stakes heists to quiet, powerful moments, it’s been an absolute blast(aar). And you’ve been with us every step of the way!”

Thank you for your love and enthusiasm. Every time I read your letters, they make my day. You are all True Believers..but more than that, thank you for believing in this story, this team, and all of us. I can’t wait to see where Carol’s journey takes her next!

As CBM notes, there are presently zero plans to do another Captain Marvel relaunch at Marvel Comics. How long will that last?

brie larson iman vellani the marvels 1

Fans are tired of the BS agenda

Regarding The Marvels, it massively bombed at the box office and reportedly lost Disney $200 million or more. It’s safe to say fans are tired of the agenda as well as classic characters and fan-favorites being replaced for the sake of diversity where the story suffers as a result.

There are also no plans for Captain Marvel 3 in the MCU, but Brie Larson recently teased she might be a part of the new Avengers movies.

Iman Vellani’s Ms. Marvel also doesn’t look to be getting a second season. It also appears as if a planned Young Avengers movie isn’t happening. Kamala Khan is another agenda-driven character none of the fans are interested in and never have been.

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