Channing Tatum Responds To Gambit In Deadpool 3 and Ryan Reynolds

channing tatum gambit deadpool wolverine ryan reynolds

Channing Tatum has taken to social media to respond to Deadpool 3 and thank Ryan Reynolds for his cameo as Gambit in the movie.

Marvel Studios brought the cameo cast on stage in Hall H at Comic-Con last week Thursday.

Deadpool & Wolverine opened to over $200 million and has already brought in over half a billion dollars at the box office.

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Channing Tatum was first announced as Gambit back in 2014. He was supposed to star and produce a solo Gambit movie; however, once Disney bought Fox, the movie was canceled.

So Ryan Reynolds decided to bring back Channing Tatum in Deadpool 3. They also brought back Tatum as if he was cast back then, as reflected by the costume in the movie.

“These pictures are almost 10 years apart to the day. I sat in the audience when Ryan showed his first peek of Deadpool 1 to the world and I think I ran back stage right after and found him and I think I just hugged him and was like holy shit you did it man. It’s perfect,” Tatum posted on social media. “I didn’t know him really at all back then. But since then I can say that there is almost no one that has had my back in this industry more than Ryan. I thought I had lost Gambit forever.”

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Tatum continued, “But he fought for me and Gambit. I will owe him probably forever. Cause I’m not sure how I could ever do something that would be equal to what this has meant to me. I love ya buddy. Shawn Levy as well. Truly such a brilliant creator on every single level. All things happen for a reason. I’m so grateful to be in this movie. It’s a masterpiece in my opinion. And just pure bad ass joy. I was literally screaming in the theater. LFG!!”

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Ryan Reynolds replied, “Imagine having a front row seat to this guy. He’s not only a once in a generation talent but he’s a genuinely good man. I know what it feels like to will a character into existence. Chan did that. And then put the most vivid version of that character on the screen like he was born to play this one guy. We’ve shared two San Diego Comic Con’s. Two of the best days in my life happened while Channing Tatum wore this shirt. Coincidence of conspiracy?”

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Reynolds also posted official images on X and said, “Gambit is a guy Chan was born to play. His story is similar to mine in that he spent a decade trying to put the most comic-accurate version of Gambit on the big screen. Remy LeBeau is grafted to his soul and needs to come out and deal. And Gambit found his author in Chan. He’s one of the coolest, smartest characters in Comics and still largely unexplored. I want more — and from what I saw in theaters, you do too. Having the chance to say goodbye to some of these heroes is as important as having new characters to root for… and rooting for Gambit is easy. Rooting for Chan is even easier. He’s one of the greatest, hardest working, kindest people in this entire industry.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to see Channing Tatum pull Gambit from the dead and bring him to life at the perfect time and perfect way,” added Reynolds.

ryan reynolds channing tatum gambit

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