X-Men and Fantastic Four Dropped From Marvel Universe Poster


Who needs more proof that CEO Ike Perlmutter ordered the removal of the X-Men and Fantastic Four from Marvel?

Well, here you go as the updated version of the Marvel Universe characters poster is minus both of them (via Bleeding Cool).

The original poster is below for reference.

Fox Studios owns the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four, so as the characters won’t be featured in the Marvel movies, Disney – under billionaire Perlmutter – has begun to yank the characters from comics and merchandise.

I’m wondering when the X-Men fans are going to wake up and start a Marvel comic book boycott like the Marvel Cosmic fans have been since Loeb and Bendys ruined cosmic because of the movies.

And to anyone at Disney Marvel reading this, Marvel was much better off back when the original poster was created (circa 2007) than it is now. Go back in your house, mouse.

Update: Trends International and creators of Marvel Mighty Heroes confirm Marvel dictating what characters can be used.


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