William Shatner Arrives In LA; Unconfirmed For Nimoy’s Funeral


William Shatner previously tweeted he would be unable to attend the funeral of Leonard Nimoy, who passed away due to complications from end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Shatner let it be known he was going to a Red Cross charity ball on Saturday night instead of the funeral.

Now Shatner may have had a change of heart as it’s reported that William Shatner landed in Los Angeles around noon.

It’s unclear if Shatner arrived in time for Leonard Nimoy’s funeral or if that was just his normal landing time, which may have been after the funeral.

Twitter and social media sites have been ablaze with with comments from fans regarding Shatner’s decision (possibly) not to attend.

On one hand, Shatner claims Nimoy is like a brother to him, yet how many out there wouldn’t attend their brother’s funeral?

On the other hand, fans argue to leave Shatner alone and let him mourn in his own way (he didn’t attend Gene Roddenberry’s funeral, either).

Of course, there is the argument that Shatner could have just kept quiet through the whole thing and not turned it into a Twitter spectacle by announcing he wouldn’t be able to attend the funeral, but offering instead, to have a Twitter tribute to Nimoy.

Regardless what’s what, Shatner may have rectified the situation by attending the funeral of Leonard Nimoy, but again, it’s not yet confirmed that he has.

This is the cover to today’s edition of the NY Daily News:

A tweet from the NY Post stating Shatner arrived in LA:

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