Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Unleashes Maximals In New Clip

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Unleashes Maximals In New Clip

Paramount Pictures released a new clip from Transformers: Rise of the Beasts which unleashes the Maximals vs the Autobots in a new clip.

The clip was released during the MTV Movie Awards ceremony on Sunday night.

“STAND DOWN. The Autobots come face to face with the Maximals,” teases the video description.

transformers rise of the beasts optimus primal poster

Transformers must team up to defeat Unicron

Making up the Maximals, originally from Beast Wars, includes Optimus Primal (Ron Perlman), Cheetor (Tongayi Chirisa), Airazor (Michelle Yeoh), and Rhinox (David Sobolov).

transformers rise of the beasts cheetor poster

The Autobots include Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen), Arcee (Liza Koshy), Wheeljack (Cristo Fernández), and Mirage (Pete Davidson).

transformers rise of the beasts optimus prime poster

As seen in the recent trailer, the Autobots and Maximals must join forces to save not only the world but the entire universe as the Predacons must be defeated, with the planet-eating Transformer, Unicron (Colman Domingo), heading toward Earth.

transformers rise of the beasts scourge poster

The Predacons include Peter Dinklage as Scourge, John DiMaggio as Stratosphere, Michaela Jaé (MJ) Rodriguez as Nightbird, and Tobe Nwigwe as Reek.

transformers rise of the beasts unite or fall poster

Synopsis: Returning to the action and spectacle that have captured moviegoers around the world, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will take audiences on a ‘90s globetrotting adventure and introduce the Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons to the existing battle on earth between Autobots and Decepticons.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts has a June 9, 2023 release date directed by Steven Caple Jr.

Watch the clip:

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts | "Prime Meets Primal" Clip (2023 Movie)

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