Toxic Avenger Shows Off Elijah Wood, Peter Dinklage, Kevin Bacon

Toxic Avenger Shows Off Elija Wood, Peter Dinklage, Kevin Bacon

Legendary Pictures has released new images from the upcoming remake of The Toxic Avenger featuring Peter Dinklage, Elija Wood, Kevin Bacon, and more.

The flick follows Dinklage as the titular character as downtrodden janitor Winston Gooze who is involved in a horrible toxic accident that transforms Gooze into a new evolution of hero: THE TOXIC AVENGER!

Now wielding a glowing mop with super-human strength, he must race against time to save his son and stop a ruthless and power-hungry tyrant bent on harnessing toxic superpowers to strengthen his polluted empire.

toxic avenger peter dinklage

Peter Dinklage is The Toxic Avenger

“There is a terrible industrial accident that renders him a mutant and an outcast, but also gives him some super strength and super abilities that sets him on a path of being an unlikely vigilante in this downward-spiraling society,” director Macon Blair filled in

Blair continues, “Similar to the original Toxic Avenger, he’s singularly unqualified to be a hero. He’s not especially brave, he’s not especially crafty, but he has his heart in the right place, and he starts taking it to the limit when he’s pushed into a corner.”

toxic avenger elijah wood

Elijah Wood plays a villain

The article reveals that Elija Wood is playing a villain named Fritz Garbinger. 

“I wanted it to feel like a Peter Sellers type of performance where he just goes invisible. The idea is that you forget that it’s the Elijah that you know from Lord of the Rings or anything else,” said Blair about the star of The Lord of the Rings.

toxic avenger kevin bacon

Kevin Bacon plays the brother

Kevin Bacon is revealed to be playing corporate overlord Bob Garbinger who is the brother of Wood’s character.

Blair says Bacon’s villain is in “the mold of Lex Luthor, where they have all this money and resources at their disposal, but he’s just kind of a disaster. Wood is the runt of the family, whereas his older brother is this golden god. So, that’s their dynamic. He’s kind of a henchman at this corrupt company.”

toxic avenger movie

Killer Nutz

Per the pic above, further details include the pair of brothers have “a gang of dangerous lunatics” at their disposal, known as Killer Nutz, who are comprised of murderers and musicians.

toxic avenger taylour paige

Taylour Paige and  Jacob Tremblay

Taylour Paige is also playing JJ Doherty, described as part investigative reporter and part vigilante detective, and Jacob Tremblay is playing Dinklage’s stepson Wade, described as “a special kid” who’s sweet “but he’s got some anxiety issues.” Blair adds, “That’s all compounded by this lack of connection with his new father.”

The Toxic Avenger premieres at the upcoming Fantastic Fest which runs Sept. 21-28 in Austin Texas. The flick also stars Blair, Sarah Niles, Julian Kostov, and Jane Levy.

The film is a reboot of the classic 1984 film that spawned three sequels from Lloyd Kaufman and Troma Films where James Gunn got his start, and IMDb also describes the film as: When a meek father takes drastic measures to provide for his family, he is accidentally transformed into a hideous mutant.

toxic avenger jacob tremblay
toxic avenger peter dinklage

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