Tomb Raider Gets The Flash Release Date


alicia vikander lara croft tom raider

WB has given the new Tomb Raider a release date, which was thought to originally be for the Ezra Miller Flash movie.

Tomb Raider, starring Alicia Vikander, will be released on March 16, 2018.

It should probably be noted that WB never officially announced a release date for The Flash; it was more or less speculation from “insiders” that the movie would be released March 2018.

It’s probably safe to assume The Flash movie will be released in April 2018 as the month is pretty much open (The Avengers 3 and Star War Han Solo movies hit in May; June sees Transformers, Toy Story 4, Juassic World 2 and a Fox Marvel movie.).

Aquaman is also due out the same year, speculated July 2018, with the Batman solo movie also speculated for October 2018.

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