
Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Avengers Vs. X-Men #6

After the shocking- and some what confusing- ending to issue five, this series could have gone anywhere. Fortunately for fans, Jonathan Hickman took up the reigns with this issue and created the best single story of this series yet!

Along with fan favorite, Olivier Coipel, Hickman has crafted something that is worthy of the word “classic”! The pacing of the tale is perfect, luring the reader into a world that has begun to change in the blink of an eye. We can see the awe and wonder on the characters faces, and the same emotions are dredged up in the reader as well, as something new lay before us!

War, famine, and drought have all been removed from the planet by five individuals, and the status quo has begun to shift to the meek from the mighty. So, why then is there still opposition by the Avengers, and more importantly — the government — to stop the X-Men from changing the world for the better? One word — FEAR! Fear of the unknown, fear of a power struggle, but mostly, a fear of losing an upper hand on those seen as lower class citizens.

In a time of great political unrest in our country, Hickman’s tale is sure to strike a cord with all who have ever felt that they will never get a fair shake in life. At it’s core, it is a tale of striving to not only better oneself but the world around you as well. It is about the struggle to achieve power enough to make that change and yet, when you do, you are still shunned for not doing it the way certain parties preceive to be right. What can you do when all you have achieved is still not good enough for those you have sworn to protect? You lash out, destroying the thin membrane of peace between you and hope someone will finally appreciate you in the future. 

With only a single issue, Hickman has given me new hope for this series. He has given it a new life, one that will hopefully be cared for and evolved with the next writer into something even better than it is now! He has created a memoir to classic tales while crafting his own! That , my friends, is something to be proud of! 

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for June 20th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1.  Green Lantern Corps #10 : Peter J. Tomasi has created quite an amazing run with this series and it only continues here! What are the plans of the Guardians? What is the Third Army? You’ll just have to wait and see because this issue is all about John Stewart being sentenced to DEATH!

2.  The Grim Leaper #2 : An amalgam of Final Destination and Quantum Leap, this quirky series is definitely worth your time! What would you do, if you woke up in a different body and died every day? Look for love of course! Great book!

3.  Avengers Vs. X-Men #6 : Finally, this is the issue that the series should have been all along! Great art and an even better story, the Marvel U. is changing and it’s at the hands of the Phoenix Five! Awesome!

4.  Before The Watchmen: The Comedian #1 : Brian Azarrello is the best he is at what he does — and that’s make great comics! This period piece about the Comedian and the Kennedy’s, is a TRUE testament to what comics can be if handled correctly! Burt, we all know Alan Moore will still complain!

5.  B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: The Devil’s Engine #2 :  Fennix can see the future in sporadic glimpses and what she sees — is the end of the world! Mike Mignola has this train running at full speed down a track that ends in tragedy! Brilliant stuff!

Comic Book News

Hope’s Not The Chosen One: Look Out For The Phoenix Force Five! Wait! What?!

Just What The Doc Ordered

“1,2,3,4 — 5 Against One!”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley



[[wysiwyg_imageupload:2022:]]Well, the message boards are blowing up regarding the end of Avengers Vs. X-Men #5. The scene in question, has the Phoenix Force entering five X-Men instead of Hope. As Hope lay unconscious, Cyclops, Colossus, Namor, Emma Frost and Magick, are chosen as the recipients of one of the most powerful cosmic energies in the universe! Shocking? Yes. Foreseen by readers? Hell, no! But what could have been an interesting idea – the first of the A vs. X series – turned out to have an already less than thrilled readership — become completely irate!

So, your personal X-pert – me – is here to set a level playing field for all readers to see if we can’t clarify the situation!

I will not delve into all the little nuances leading up to the point in question. I will however, try to give as much knowledge about the events leading up to it so everyone fully understands how we got there.

To begin, “Who is Hope?”

Hope was the first, and only, mutant birth after the events of M Day; in which the Scarlet Witch declared, “No more Mutants,” and made it so! An anomaly, she was hunted by friend and foe, and eventually was taken by Cable into the future in order to be raised away from Bishop, who blamed her for the dystopian era he came from and swore to kill her. Cable raised her from infancy to her teenage years, training her in all methods of combat and survival techniques just to survive the harsh environment they lived in. A few years ago, both Cable and Hope “time jumped” to the current Marvel U. and set off the amazing “Second Coming” storyline that ran through all the X titles! Hope was then, and is now, seen as the “Mutant Messiah” that will eventually bring forth a mutant birth resurgence. Her powers are vast, being able to manipulate all powers anywhere near her for as long as needed. But her TRUE power, is the ability to “calm” the awakening powers in the “five lights.” The “lights” are the five mutants that had latent powers manifest after Hope returned to our time. Without Hope’s guidance, their powers would have driven them insane or worse yet — killed them! Hope and her “five lights” are bonded together emotionally — whether they like it or not!

Hope has also been privy to “flare-ups” of the Phoenix Force. Though at first only Emma Frost was able to see them, now all of the X-Men have seen these glaringly scary flashes of power! Cyclops may preach that she is the Messiah of their species, but some see her as a complete terror. First among them — the Avengers!

Tony Stark and the Avengers set up a power signature tracking system that would warn them if the Phoenix Force was to enter anywhere near Earth’s atmosphere (again). Learning from the horrors Jean Grey went through with her bonding of the Phoenix Force, the Avengers will do anything to keep the cosmic entity away from Earth at all costs. That being said, when the tracking system picked up a reading, Wolverine tells Captain America exactly where the Phoenix will be heading — Utopia! 

With the recent “Schism” of the X-Men, Utopia is now inhabited by what Cyclops calls his “Extinction Team.” Consisting mainly of the most powerful mutants: Namor, Magneto, Juggernaut/Colossus, Storm, Emma Frost, Hope. And led by Cyclops, these “powerhouses” make a safe haven for any mutant that seeks sanctuary. But, Cyclops hand picked this team in order to send an imposing message to all who threaten the mutant race, a message that says, “We will not be targets anymore! If you hit us — we will hit back harder!” That is exactly the message the Avengers got when they tried to take Hope from Utopia, thus started — Avengers vs. X-Men!

The battle over Hope has led to Marvel’s biggest franchises slugging it out on Earth, in space and on the moon. As most of the battle rages on Earth, the Secret Avengers are sent to space in order to stop the Phoenix Force from ever arriving. Without going into all the cosmic zaniness and team betrayals going on in this series, let’s focus on the main point —Mjolnir can hurt the Phoenix! As the team gets trounced by the Phoenix, Tony Stark and Henry Pym use the information about Thor’s hammer to create a Mech unit that can replicate Mjolnir’s power signature. It will be a last ditch effort to destroy the Phoenix, but Iron Man is ready to fly the machine into the belly of the beast.

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:2018:]]On Earth, a diabolical alien machine named Unit (from Kieron Gillen’s short lived S.W.O.R.D. series), was captured by the X-Men and placed in the prison block of Utopia. But he is not there against his will, in fact, Unit’s entire plan is to manipulate Hope’s bonding with the Phoenix! You see, Unit has been alive for quite some time and has seen the power of the Phoenix before on a distant planet. As he cons Hope’s “five lights” into listening to his story, and we see threads as to why the five X-Men receive the Phoenix Force unfold! According to Unit, in Uncanny X-Men #13, once there was a planet that was ruled by a lineage of demon princes. They would do everything to oppress the eventual evolution of any species in order to remain the dominant one. Eventually, a Messiah emerged and she found five acolytes that became bonded to her spiritually. She then called out to the Phoenix Force, causing the complete destruction of their oppressors and the eventual evolution of the planet. After the tale, Unit and a manipulated Danger, decimate the “five lights,” leaving Hope alone to receive the power of the Phoenix.

Hope eventually teams with Wolverine, who then calls his Avengers buddies — which is weird because Cap and Giant Man just beat the hell out of him, and they go to the moon to face the Phoenix. Lo and behold, the Avengers, Secret Avengers and Cyclops’ core “Extinction Team” all converge on the moon to deal with the Phoenix. Hope can feel its presence taking her over and screams for Wolverine to kill her; she no longer wants to be one with such a powerful creature! In the meantime, Tony Stark flies his Mech into the heart of the Phoenix causing a massive explosion that rocks everyone! As the dust settles, Hope is found unconscious, but the Phoenix has chosen its vessel anyway. Without the Messiah and her “five lights,” the Phoenix has chosen to bond with the oppressed mutants that are on the brink of extinction. Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Magick and – a now Juggernaut free – Colossus hover above all as the combined might of the Phoenix! 


We have already begun to see what this new Phoenix Force Five’s mission is in X-Men Legacy #268. Cyclops has traveled to Narobia and has outlawed war, disarming all militias, rebels and even the government’s army! So far, it looks as though the leader of the X-Men is trying to bring true utopia to the world at large. But can one who posses some of the most unstable cosmic power, ever truly see the world as more than a spec that needs to be cleansed? I guess we will just have to wait and see, but this preview page from Avengers vs. X-Men #6 doesn’t bode well for humanity!

So, if you made it through this lengthy article, I hope you have some clarity as to why there are five Phoenix wielders. Not that Marvel has really given us a great reason to begin with, but at least I try! So hang in there, this may just turn out to be something completely fantastic in the long run!

Oh, who am I kidding? It’s horrible!

Comic Book News

Review: Avengers vs. X-Men #5

Well, this is it! Issue five of the story that was supposed to rock the world of comics to the ground — has hit the stands.

And I am still waiting for this book to “WOW” me in any fashion at all!

The Phoenix Force has arrived on the moon to greet the combined mass of the X-Men and the Avengers. There are slight fisticuffs, a giant robot and a pretty significant twist for an ending, but yet again — nothing REALLY happens!

There are panel after panel of heroes gawking at one another, gawking at Hope, gawking at computer screens and gawking at the heavens as the Phoenix Force approaches! If you think I am over exaggerating, you will be sorely mistaken! This story is extremely bland, it’s as if Marvel is too afraid to actually make any significant changes in the status quo of their beloved franchises to make this series the thing it was supposed to be. This was the tale that was going to be Marvel’s epic crossover between its biggest franchises, something that would usher in a new era of greatness to Marvel. Instead we get pathetic skirmishes that take place in a completely different series and a lot of name calling and finger waving! Even the shock and awe that should be felt by the coming of the Phoenix, is lost due to the poor execution of the overall tale!

This issue is supposedly the game changer for what comes next. And the ending we see in this issue, was definitely not one I saw coming! So, maybe – just maybe – this series will take an upswing next issue. At least I hope so, I was really looking forward to this series and so far it has been a total disappointment! I guess we will all find out in two weeks when there will be — “No More Avengers!”

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 30th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile


By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day nonsense”, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1. The Walking Dead #98  : If I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, when Kirkman uses red covers â€” bad things happen! This is a biggie, folks! Do not miss this issue or YOU will have “Something To Fear”! Check out my review here!

2.  Supercrooks #3  : Mark Millar’s homage to Ocean’s Eleven — with a twist, continues here! Just as the team gets back together, they find out who their “mark” is. This ones going to be waaaay tougher than they thought! Great book!

3.  Batman Annual #1  : You think Scott Snyder has created an amazing version of Batman, wait till you get a load of his Mr. Freeze! Completely twisted with a shocking ending, Snyder throws out all you thought you knew and carves a new niche for himself in the Batman mythos! Amazing! Check out my full review here!

4.  Animal Man Annual #1  :  This is a great “down time” issue, that lets us see the first battle that teamed a Swamp Thing and an Avatar of the Red together! Creepy and engrossing, this one paves the way for the war with the Rot!

5.  X-Men Legacy #267  :   An Avengers Vs. X-Men tale that actually has a complete battle set up in a single issue â€” without roping you into buying more books! This is a great Rogue-centric tale that is all about control and when to lose it! One phrase can sum up this book â€” Rogue Smash Puny Avengers! Fantastic stuff! Don’t believe me, check out my review here!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men Legacy #267

Christos Gage has been writing some of the best X stories out there right now, and X-Men Legacy #267 is the best yet!

A complete Avengers Vs. X-Men tie-in, and what I mean by complete is that you don’t need to read anything else in order to understand exactly what is going on in this issue! Falcon, Moon Knight, She-Hulk and their secret weapon – Iron Man – have come to the Jean Grey School to “check-up” on our mutants. But when Moon Knight strikes Frenzy in a fit of rage, Rogue takes the gloves off — literally! 

Starting right where last issue left us, the school has become a battle ground and Rogue must keep the students as safe as possible while trying to deal with the intense situation. But it’s not the exterior battle that is the must pressing one, Rogue must overcome her inner demons in order to save her friends and herself from utter destruction!

Cristos Gage makes an all out slugfest into a compelling tale of a person trying to overcome their faults in order to grow, not only as a person, but someone that others can look up to. It is a tough situation to put such a personal, and character driven piece, directly within the chaos of a battle — but Gage pulls it off flawlessly. He has developed Rogue into strong character that can finally rely on herself without having to worry about the trappings of her past failures. Making her one of my new favorite X characters! But don’t get me wrong, This book isn’t solely a soul searching character piece, there are plenty of things getting destroyed to whet the appetite of any action junkie fanboy! Especially,when Moon Knight pulls a fast one on the X-Men — can anyone say “Rogue Smash?”

Amazing art by Rafa Sandoval solidifies this tale as the best X book on the shelves this week! You want great storytelling focused on character development and utter destruction through fisticuffs — all mixed in a single book? Than you have to pick this one up!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men Legacy #266

(Editor’s Note: Slight Spoilers Spotted Dead Ahead!)


There is a division between those that see the Phoenix Force as the end of the world and those who dream it to be the beginning of a new one! But the division is not as simple as merely Avenger vs. X-Man. There is a deeper separation within the mutant race, one that even Team Cyclops and Team Wolverine can’t encapsulate. There is a difference between “team” and “family,” and only now is the mutant race realizing that even a schism cannot separate them for long!

Christos Gage gives us the perfect amalgam of characterization and high octane action in this issue, falling directly within the flow of Avengers vs. X-Men and not involving flashbacks — no other crossover book has so far! We see the teachers of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning ponder their places in the current war. While most of them stay to give the students a semblance of normalcy during this time of chaos, both Iceman and Rachel Grey leave to join Cyclops against the Avengers. Meanwhile, Falcon, Moon Knight and She-Hulk arrive at the school in order to “check-in” on the X-Men and make sure they won’t cause any trouble in the future. As hindsight is 20/20, maybe Falcon should have chosen his group more wisely, as it is his team that breaks rank first and brings the war down on children!

More than just another smash mouth issue, Gage writes an intelligent story dealing with the worries of a “family” and their actions. The individual choices are hard and yet, cunningly in line with each characters sense of self. There are no drastic deviations in character – like some other crossover books – and it helps the story feel realistic and true. And when the inevitable battle does ensue, it is powerful and exciting with an undercurrent of hatred and confusion. Truly, a pitch perfect offering from Gage that will resonate throughout the other X books!

Not only is Gage’s tale fantastic, but Rafa Sandoval’s art solidifies it as one of the best books this week. Sandoval is completely underrated for the talent he posses. Clean, crisp lines that give off a vibe of hyper excitement in even the most mundane sequence, Sandoval takes every page to the next level! Utterly, fantastic!

This issue has everything that a comic book reader craves in one small package! You will ponder, you will wince and you will cheer when Moon Knight gets put down like a rabid dog! So, drop three bills in the plate and worship on bended knee in the House of Gage and Sandoval! ‘Nuff said!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 9th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1.  Alabaster Wolves #2 (of 5):  Caitlin R. Kiernan’s tale of a young albino girl’s quest to rid the world of evil — continues here! Anyone that loved Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, will find this book just as engaging!

2.  X-Men Legacy #266:  The Avengers bring the fight to the doorstep of the Jean Grey School! As “Wolverine’s Team” stands divided, one teacher decides to push an Avenger over the edge! This is the best written A vs. X book to date — you shouldn’t miss it!

3.  Batman #9:  “Iron Batman” versus the Court of Owls — in the depths of the Batcave! Awesome story! But it’s the back-up story of Jarvis Pennyworth and the horrors of Wayne Manor that is well worth the extra buck!

4.  Green Lantern #9:  The secret to the Indigo Tribe is revealed! You won’t believe who the big evil is! You want some good cosmic? We got it right here! Revelations abound!

5.  Grifter #9:  I know, I couldn’t believe it either! Rob Liefeld has taken over and this book finally has a clear direction! But to me, it is the amazing art of Scott Clark that makes it land on my list — simply awesome! Plus, it’s the return of Deathblow! Nineties fans rejoice!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for April 25th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris  “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1. AvX Vs. #1(of 6):  Marvel’s complete and utter slugfest book hits the shelves today! With battles surrounding Iron Man vs. Magneto and the Thing vs. Namor, do I really need to sell you on this book? Okay, then check out my full review here!

2. Supercrooks #2:  Mark Millar continues his Ocean’s Eleven style tale of criminals traveling to Spain to pull the biggest heist ever! Great writing and his patented, “Holy $#*%” moments, will keep you coming back for more! Brutally sadistic! 

3. Uncanny X-Men #11:  Juggy helmeted Colossus versus the Red Hulk? I’m already salivating! You will be too! This is a great book by Kieron Gillen and Greg Land that actually delivers on the promise of furthering the AvX tale along. Read my full review here!

4. American Vampire #26:  Scott Snyder continues to push the envelope with this award winning series each and every month! A new storyline begins here about racial tension in 1950’s Alabama. Not to mention a detective that isn’t what he seems tracking down The Nocturnes, the band Travis listened to as he hunted Skinner Sweet!

5. The New Deadwardians #2:  Dan Abnett’s tale of divided social status between zombies and vampires in an alternate Victorian England, continues here. Who could have killed a vampire without using any of the known ways to do so, and why cut off his aristocratic hand? Chief Inspector George Suttle plans to find out! This is a great book! 

Movie News

Review: Uncanny X-Men #11

All you need to do is look at this cover to be completely enthralled with what is to come! Juggernaut Colossus versus Red Hulk! Who isn’t itching to see how this one ends up?

You will not be disappointed with the tale Kieron Gillen and Greg Land lay before you! Taking place directly prior, during and after the events of The Avenger vs. The X-Men #1, we get to finally see a less zealous version of Cyclops. In AvX, he has been portrayed as some kind of religious nut that can’t see how dangerous his decisions are. Here, in a book written by an actual X-Men scribe, we see a leader that has to make a tough decision even though it will cause a rift between his “family” and the world’s mightiest. We also are privy to the internal thoughts of Namor, Hope and Colossus as they embark onto the battle field and will forever be changed in the process. Gillen has a great grasp on the “voice” of these individual characters, making the reader reconnect with them on a more personal level than they have in a long time. It is the perfect juxtaposition with all the chaos surrounding Utopia!

As good as the writing is, it is Greg Land’s rendering of the battle of the behemoths, that will make you not want to put this book down! An underwater barrage of giant fists awaits, and let me tell you — it is a war! Greg Land always amazes me with the skill in which he renders the female form, it is beautiful and eye catching, but today — it is all about breaking things! He creates a brutal symphony of destruction that will cause any fan to pause and take notice of how well it is done! One warrior lies at the bottom of the ocean as the other seethes in rage — absolutely amazing!

Finally, we see a book with the AvX banner tag that actually delivers something new to the story! Kudos to Kieron Gillen and Greg Land for helping this tale progress instead of completely living in the past like all the other books have! Plus, the ending is something that will set all of mutantkind on a collision course with the world that hates and fears them. If the Phoenix Force doesn’t destroy the earth, the ramifications from this ending just might!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Comic Book Pile for April 18th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1476:]]1. Batman #8:  “Night of the Owls” begins here and the lives of the “Bat” family will never be the same again! Scott Snyder is writing the best Batman stories I have ever read, now you need to too — before Gotham is taken over! Read the full review.

2. Avengers vs. X-Men #2: The gloves are off and the bell has been rung! Friend vs. friend, hero vs. hero — it all starts to fall apart here! No matter what side you’re on, I only have this to say — “Burn, baby, burn!” Read the full review.

3. B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: The Long Death #3:  It’s the Wendigo vs. Capt. Daimo in a battle to the death! Johann’s quest for revenge against the Capt. comes to fruition, and only one “creature” will emerge alive! Hell continues to fall on the B.P.R.D. and no one is safe!

4. Fables #116: Therese has been manipulated to become the queen of Discardia, the relm of forgotten toys. But what she doesn’t know may kill her — and her entire family! There is something truly eerie about mangled stuffed animals that won’t let you leave! Creepy!

5. Justice League #8: What can I say that will entice you to buy this book more than you all ready know? How about this, there was already an eighth member of the Justice League we never knew about! Forget Green Arrow, this one is a shocker! 

Movie News

Advanced Review: Avengers vs. X-Men #2

The Avengers have brought war to the doorstep of Utopia, an island full of the most powerful beings on the planet. But little do they know, it is also filled with children! These are no ordinary children, these are the last of the mutant race, and even though they might not want to fight — one of them will rise up and become the most powerful being in the world!

The gloves are off, and after Cyclops let out the “eye blast heard around the world” last issue, it is time to get entrenched in battle! Marvel’s “Architects” do an amazing job of zeroing in on all the various skirmishes throughout Utopia, without making the tale feel pieced together from snippets. It is smooth, intense and a fine piece of craftsmanship that doesn’t forget to subtlety remind you that some of these battles will finish up in another book for you to purchase! But, unlike Fear Itself, where you seemed to only get half the story from the main book — everything you need to know is right here! 

From thunderous punches to a veritable whose who of Utopian inhabitants (is that Hepzibah I see?), you are covered in excitement on every page! A metallic fastball special, and underwater battle of three warriors, magic, lasers, fists and speed — it’s all here for you to applaud! But this isn’t just your average smash and grab throw down, this story is multi-faceted, giving glimpses and clues of things to come! Things that may not bode well for either team of combatants!

This is adrenaline, this is excitement, this is why we buy comics! CBN’s EIC, Matt McGloin, and I used to debate who would win between the Avengers and the X-Men back when we were kids — now we finally get to see what would happen for real! Marvel is putting out every fanboy’s dream and no matter whose side you are on — we all win! This series could have gone horribly wrong, but everything is working like a well oiled machine, and we are aboard for the ride of our lives! 

Once again, I will not give any spoilers! But I will leave you with one comment that I direct to Hope. “Burn, baby, Burn!” ‘Nuff said!

Movie News

Is Avengers vs. X-Men Just Ripping Off What If…The X-Men Lost Inferno?

Just What The “DOC” Ordered

“The House Of Ideas Brings Out The Photocopier — Again”

By Chris “DOC” Bushley

Our latest column to hit Cosmic Book News comes from Chris “DOC” Bushley who will be taking a look at the less “cosmic” characters in comic books, and sometimes some of the more obscure, with his “Just What The Doc Ordered” column!


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1411:]]With all the hype revolving around Marvel’s newest summer crossover, Avengers vs. X-men, it makes one ponder how drastic they will go to ensnare readers back into the fold. Marvel has lost it’s footing in the market place and top ten sales charts are a virtual whose who of DC talent. Fans have begun to flock elsewhere, and the mighty pockets of a certain mouse, doesn’t seem to be helping! There are rumors that A vs. X will bring many significant changes to the Marvel Universe, possibly including some very important deaths! While I except these rumors with a smile and a wink, my mind started reeling about a book I read as a kid that had all the same factors we will be seeing throughout the coming summer — What If? The X-Men Lost Inferno!

Yes, there is some division between the two ideas, A vs. X is solely Avengers versus X-Men — I get that! But there are an awful lot of comparisons between the tales too big to be ignored. The core ideas of both stories revolve around the exact same issues! Heroes vs. heroes…Check! Fighting for the very existence of the world…Check! The Phoenix Force used as a catalyst for the story…Check! The only thing missing is the apparent death of heroes in A vs. X, but you can believe me — What If? #6  is chock full of them! 

What If (vol. 2) #6 was the first “What If” book I ever picked up, and probably the best one as well! In November of 1989, after the Inferno storylines had all wrapped up in their respective monthly titles, Danny Fingeroth and the amazing Ron Lim converged on an alternate reality tale that shook the world to its foundations! The characters of the Marvel 616 Universe may have come out of Inferno relatively unscathed, but in the realm of “What If” — anything goes!

Wolverine is a possessed human enslaver that eats newborns, the Hulk is a cousin killing machine of destruction, and Reed Richards and Dr. Doom work together to expand the influence of Inferno to other planes of existence! Now this is a story with ramifications! Especially when a band of heroes tries to stop the demonic influence from destroying the earth itself. But like every good story of defiance in the face of superiority — heroes must fall! Hulk snaps poor She-Hulk’s neck, the Human Torch is betrayed by Baron Mordo, Thor is blown up, Wolverine eviscerates The Captain (Steve Rogers), skewers Spider-Man like a shish kabob and kills Kitty Pryde, as well as Baron Mordo! Even after his flesh is burned away from his bones, Wolverine guts Madelyne Pryor when his skeleton is manipulated by the nearly deceased demon S’ym! Talk about a rage problem!

Finally, Dr. Strange finds that the Phoenix Force has been residing in the body of Rachel Summers, who has been transformed into a mannequin! He revives her, and the Phoenix Force is unleashed, burning all demonic influence from the face of the earth! The world has been reborn in the wake of the Phoenix, literally, as Alicia Masters-Storm gives birth to the first child of a simpler planet. As Dr. Strange holds the baby up to it’s mother, she names him Jonathan in respect for his father. In the distance, the Phoenix Force returns to its own master, the Living Tribunal, until it is needed once again!

Now, the battles did not require a separate mini-series in order to showcase all the intricate nuances between the combatants. Hell, most of them didn’t last a single page — but they didn’t need to! It was visceral, cunning and above all else — didn’t try to take all of your money to see who wins! Not that I’m not completely salivating for the next A vs. X, I just hope it delivers half as much excitement that What If #6 did — and a lot more than New Avengers #24, the first AvX tie-in!

So, the rumors are out about the possibility of Avenger and mutant blood being spilled this summer. I’ll believe it when I see it! But if you want to see some serious carnage between heroes, hit the long boxes at your local shops and look for What If? The X-Men Lost Inferno! X fans and Cosmic fans can finally sit down and enjoy a book together, one that sees some of the greatest Avengers get taken out — hard! Now let’s hope that will happen again in A vs. X! I stand with the X-Men, what about you?

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for April 11th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1360:]]1.  Secret Service #1:  Mark Millar’s second new series of the year launches today! If that’s not enough to get you to your Local Comic Shop, legendary artist Dave Gibbons is on art chores! Plus, Mark Hamill dies! Yeah, I thought that would get you moving!

2.  Suicide Squad #8:  A new story arch begins here, and after the cataclysmic ending to the “Hunt For Harley Quinn” storyline — the team is rattled! Adam Glass creates one hell of a book every month and it’s a perfect time to hop on the runaway train!

3. Green Lantern #8:  The Indigo Tribe may be the keepers of compassion, but they sure have a strange way of showing it! Sinestro and Hal are tortured because they will not embrace the empathy bestowed upon them. And what exactly does Abin Sur have to do with all of this? Only Geoff Johns knows for sure!

4. Uncanny X-Men #10:  Unit has escaped his prison on Peak, S.W.O.R.D.’s intergalactic jail, and he wants to bring peace to the universe. Too bad he likes to see how things work internally so he can understand them better — especially earthlings! The Avengers guest star to help take down all the baddies Unit released, right before they draw a line against the X-Men themselves!  

5. Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #4 (of 5):  It’s up to the Lobster’s crew to take down evil incarnate — The Black Flame! But how can a few mere mortals survive against such a diabolical creature? Find out in this pulp style horror story that will astound you!

Movie News

Advanced Review: The New Avengers #24 (AvX)

After last month’s riveting tale of a last ditch effort to thwart the evil of Norman Osborn, fans were more than ready for another astounding tale of heroism from Bendis and crew. With a tagline boasting issue twenty-four as an A vs. X tie-in, and a cover revealing Wolverine stuck in the middle of Cap and Cyclops — fans were salivating more than a pack of Pavlov’s dogs!

But, as they say, never judge a book by its cover!

This issue begins with a thunderous blast, mere seconds after the events of A vs. X #1, but by page three we are subjected to Bendis‘ patented “talking heads” scenario! He invites us to peruse the events a day prior to the “eye beam blast heard around the world.,” and the cheesy soap opera music begins pumping into your head as you read about Jessica Jones and Luke Cage’s marital problems concerning the baby. I love character pieces that build a foundation for a book; they are needed to keep fans interested and vested in characters throughout the years. Bendis is a great writer, and truly knows the motivations of the characters he breathes life into, but this book is not the time nor the place for one of these character pieces. This issue is the first to carry the A vs. X tagline for a continuing series — but we see none of it! Literally, by the last page you are still at the same spot that the story began! Besides marital tension — NOTHING HAPPENS!

Plus, I know Bendis hasn’t written many X characters before, but his take on Storm is ridiculous! You have one of the most affluent, powerful and strong willed characters that has lead the X-Men through many hardships, and at the mere mention of the Phoenix Force she utters, “Goddess” and flies away? She is the Queen of Wakanda, and she doesn’t even try to talk about the ramifications of a battle between the X-Men and Avengers? Are you kidding me?

If you are looking for and A vs. X tie-in that will give you something more than a Lifetime movie — you won’t find it here! If you are looking for an Avengers tale that will get your testosterone flowing — pick up Avengers Assemble #2 instead! If you are just getting this to jump on The Avengers bandwagon, save your four bucks and upgrade to IMAX tickets — I wish I had!

“New Avengers” #24 provided by friend of Cosmic Book News.

Movie News

Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #8

Let me begin by saying, “Chris Bachalo is BACK!” After too long of a hiatus, Mr. Bachalo returns back to the school, and brings all his insane art sensibilities with him! And it’s the perfect time too, because Jason Aaron’s tale is certifiably, over the top insane as well!

Wolverine returns from space and is having a little trouble adjusting. That’s mostly do to the fact that his legs are both broken and fused in unseemly positions! I guess the bouncers on Planet Sin don’t take too kindly to thieves! But on the other hand, students don’t like their headmaster being put in a wheelchair either, which leads to more high flying space fisticuffs that are sure to appease any cosmic fan! Plus, Angel’s insane, Genesis finally lashes out, S.W.O.R.D.’s gonna need a bigger boat, and the Hellfire Club has a new hitman —Sabretooth! Crazy!

Jason Aaron isn’t holding anything back these days, and it is great to see his tales brought to life again by Chris Bachalo! There is a cohesion between their artistic abilities that make this book work at peak performance when they are together. It is stylized chaos that grabs you, shaking until you pay attention to how good it is. And it is one of the best X books on the shelves today! Even through the outrageous storylines, the heart of the characters shine brighter than all the distractions. It is Aaron’s attention to detail and an underlying order to the chaos, that makes us feel vested in characters that would be lost in the background by a lesser writer. Though the tales are quite quirky, they are crafted from the highest caliber!

If you like space and blood, fights and blood, casinos and blood and watching Wolverine puttering around in a wheelchair like a hairy Professor X — you will love this book! This will probably be the last chance to see some truly insane stuff before the highly regimented A vs. X storyline passes through the book — so get it while it’s hot! And be sure to check out the letters column at the end. This month all the letters are answered by one of my new favorite characters — Broo!

Movie News

Advanced Review: Avengers vs. X-Men: #1

(Editor’s Note: Comic Shops are already selling “Avengers Vs. X-Men” #1 this week as Diamond sent copies with this week’s regular batch of comics, not in a separate box, not part of the AvX party, and not embargoed. With that, Cosmic Book News offers this following spoiler free review.)


This is it! The moment all Avengers and X-Men fans have been salivating over, is finally here! The Phoenix Force is taking the fast track straight for Earth once more, forcing friends against each other for the fate of a single girl — Hope! The lines have been drawn, and there shall only be one victor — the fans!

The hype for this book has been palpable over the past six months. You couldn’t read a single Avengers or X-Men book without constantly being reminded that, “It’s Coming!” And finally, for once in a very long time, the hype has been worth it!

The slew of Marvel Architects that pulled this story together have done a tireless job. They created a slow burn read that sets the stage for the inevitable conclusion without glazing over any detail. Fans of Avengers or X-Men books will be obviously familiar with the ramifications of the Phoenix Force, but the writers have made sure even the first time reader of these characters, can follow along and not miss a single story thread. It is very smart and very well done.

Unlike other event books in recent years, the reasons for why these two dynamic teams of heroes are at odds actually makes sense! The Avengers see the coming of the Phoenix Force as a destructive entity that will threaten the very existence of man. But Cyclops is portrayed as a somewhat religious zealot, seeing the return as a chance for mutant rebirth across the globe, and using Hope as a catalyst for it. I, as a huge X fan, thought this was too far removed from Cyclops patriarchal role to the mutant race, especially after the Phoenix embedded itself in Jean Grey last time. It kind of sets Cyclops, not his entire Extinction Team, up as the villain of the series, but at least the writers thought process is well paced, and I can eventually agree with their decisions.

I will give no spoilers – got that Marvel- but I will give you this: stories like this one are why I have read comics for over twenty years! It is well paced, smart and engaging, and even though it is truly just a set up issue, you are engrossed in it and not just waiting for the next issue to get the ball rolling. By book’s end, you are more than chomping at the bit for Round 2 and everything else that comes with it! And I have to tell ya, it took five writers to give it to us — but the ending is one great, “Hell Yeah!” moment!

So, where do you stand? Mutant or super human, god or angel? With twenty-four Avengers against six X-Men, I stand with the Merry Mutants! I always loved the underdog!

(Editor’s Note #2: I stand with Captain America! – Cosmic Avenger Fan Matt)

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for March 14th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)

I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription for good health starts with these top five books of the week!


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:869:]]1. Saga #1:  Brian K. Vaughan makes a triumphant return to comics with a book that is epic in scope and execution! Think Star Wars meets Romeo and Juliet within the world of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman! Told you it was epic!

2. Suicide Squad #7:  We get to see Harley Quinn’s full “New 52” origin in this one and it ain’t pretty, kids! Adam Glass pulls no punches and that’s perfectly fine by me!

3. Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #3 (of 5):  Our pulp hero has to confront the diabolical Black Flame! But Lobster may have been overconfident in his abilities as he watches an ally fall! Great book! 

4. Avengers #24:  This might have been a little too fast paced but it is still pretty damn good! Bendis finally reveals just how good ol’ Norman Osborn can take on the Avengers all on his own! Can anyone say, “Corn roll Hulk”?

5. Wolverine and the X-Men #7: Jason Aaron is insane! This book has a little bit of everything that no one would have ever put together! Plus, a new student will have to become something they have fought so hard to never become — a killer!

Movie News

Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #6

Kitty Pryde’s pregnancy is a fallacy, she is really infected with microscopic Brood that will kill her from the inside out! Wolverine and Kid Omega have traveled to the far reaches of space in order to beat the house on Planet Sin and save the school from financial ruin. And finally, the same school Wolverine is so desperately trying to save, has been attacked by a very large alien and his Brood bloodhounds!

Jason Aaron has officially dove off the deep end and there is no turning back! As chaotic as his book sounds, it is quite a pleasing read. Humor hangs on the fringe of all the stylized action, making it one of those books that will bring a grin to your face even as our heroes are trounced page after page. From high brow intellectualism to bathroom humor, Aaron creates a book that will keep you on your toes, never fully sure of the eventual outcome! 

My only qualm about this book is the relationship between Kid Omega and Wolverine. In Wolverine and the X-Men, they have a tense relationship: punk kid that lashes out but secretly craves the attention, and a mentor that isn’t afraid to kick your ass. They are an odd pairing that feed off of each other, a delinquent and his delinquent “father.” But in Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega, Kid Omega is out to literally kill Wolverine! Taking over his mind and hiding his body so the other students won’t find their beloved headmaster. Having these two dynamics so completely different is the reason why readers get frustrated with the industry so often these days. All we need is some consistency and we will be complacent.

Though I am still waiting for the day when Chris Bachalo returns to art chores, this book is still the number one X book on the shelves. Witty, thought-provoking and boundary pushing, Aaron has created something that is unique in the X world, and everyone should check out his cavalcade of chaos!

Movie News

Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #5

Last issue’s shocking revelation continues here, as we see Kitty Pryde suddenly eight months pregnant in a matter of two days! 

Jason Aaron let’s us have a glimpse into the quirky folds of his mind, giving us a combination of both insane and enduring qualities to his story. The enduring aspect is the time and thought he has spent evolving these characters into creations we can care about, and in some instances, even relate to. Without the underlying character development, the chaotic situations Aaron creates for these characters would just be passed of as hokey and lame. It takes a keen sense of self to focus on bringing a level of stability to a book, and yet, throwing all the rules out the window! Aaron has created something that does not quite fit within the normal confines of an X book, all the while showing us what the best X book should be like!

Nick Bradshaw does a good job of rendering Aaron’s vision, but I must admit that I am missing Chris Bachalo! No one can quite match the utter chaos that Aaron puts forth in his writing like the way Bachalo can. It was the perfect match-up of writer and artist, the synergy was astounding, and it now seems to be lacking that same intensity with Bradshaw at the helm.

From Beast’s class field trip inside the body of another mutant, Angel’s change in status quo and Kitty’s little bun in the oven, Aaron gives us plenty of twists and turns that will keep your head spinning! A great book by a writer who uses controlled chaos to create something truly unique!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for February 8th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, make sure you add these books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!



1.  Severed #7:  Scott Snyder’s classic look at American horror reaches it’s conclusion! This is the best mini-series I have read in a very long time and if you haven’t been reading this one — you missed out on something amazing!

2.  Wolverine and the X-Men #5: Kitty’s pregnant, Beast teaches a biology class inside a living mutant and the school is completely out of money! Jason Aaron continues his fabulous run on a series that is both fun and thought provoking!

3.  Suicide Squad #6:  The hunt for Harley Quinn begins with this issue! Plus, this is the only place you will be seeing the Joker anytime soon, too bad it’s only in flashbacks! Great story!

4.  Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #2 (of 5):  Mignola’s pulp hero returns for his second mini-series and you will be kicking yourself if you don’t pick this one up! B.P.R.D. fans will be pleasantly surprised by the last page reveal!

5.  Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #529:  David Liss‘ fantastic work, on redefining the Black Panther for future generations, ends here with the series finale! This underrated character has never before been so appealing!

Movie News

Advanced Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #4

The repercussions from Rick Remender’s current Age of Apocalypse storyline, in Uncanny X-Force, make their way into Jason Aaron’s phenomenal book.

Genesis has been enrolled as a student, Angel believes he is something more than a mutant, and Deathlok’s choice to be a guest speaker, has some startling effects! I have said it before, but it is worth repeating — this is Jason Aaron’s best series to date!

I have never had this much fun reading an X series before, and I have been reading them for over twenty years! Aaron’s wit is beyond brilliant; the subtle nuances he creates between all the characters is amazing! He pits new, crazy characters against the familiarity of classic ones, to create the perfect mesh of fun and nostalgia. But the Deathlok scenes in this book is what really makes this current issue! A cyborg from the future begins spewing statistics about the class he is lecturing, ones that include the percentage of how many of them will die. It helps bring a moment of clarity amidst the chaos, a slice of realism in a pie of insanity. But nothing brings you back to reality as quickly as the final page does! We have all heard rumors as to what will happen, but I gave up spoilers as a New Year’s resolution — so you will have to buy your own copy to find out!

My only complaint is that Chris Bachalo was not on art chores this issue. Nothing irks me more about a new book, as when the artist can’t make it through the first year of issues! But Nick Bradshaw, amazing artist as well, brings his own level to this book! He has so much going on in the foreground as well as the background, that you can barely fathom everything that is going on. You can peruse each panel for twenty minutes and still find something new when you read it through again. Oh, you will read it through again! It’s just that good!

Aaron gives us his all yet again, and all you need to do is pick it up and enjoy! I dare you to find something cooler on the shelves this week! I dare ya!

Copy of “Wolverine and the X-Men” #4 provided by friend of Cosmic Book News.

Movie News

Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #3

  So far, the first day at the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning has gone off without a hitch. The school has been overrun by Frankenstein monsters with flame-throwers, the New York state inspectors have been turned into a Sauron and a Wendigo, and the very grounds of the school have been taken over

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Uncanny X-Men #1

As one man surrounds himself with friends and students, the other brings criminals and tyrants into his inner sanctum. This is no longer a game, too many have died in the years of gene wars to warrant anything less than utter deviance. One man will save them all, but to what ends must he go

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #1

Long ago, a man made a decision to teach those who were more than mere children how to harness their inner strength. His dream for a peaceful coexistence between human and mutant gathered thousands to stand beside one another in a singular voice of harmony. But all dreams must end when we awake to the

Comic Book News

Wolverine and the X-Men #1: School Starts Tomorrow! Don’t Forget Your Class List!

That’s right kiddies, tomorrow begins the first day of classes at the newly renovated — The Jean Grey School For Higher Learning! But are you prepared for class?

What’s that? You have no idea who your teachers are and you didn’t think you’d need books? Well, thankfully Quinten Quire thinks he’s “too cool for school” and left his syllabus behind in tomorrow’s issue of Wolverine and the X-Men #1.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Regenesis #1 (One-Shot)

Two friends and teammates, men who have been through everything together over countless years, have decided to go their separate ways. And in doing so, they have not only dissolved their friendship, but they have also torn the entire mutant race asunder. Who will stay a fighter and who will become a student? This book

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Schism #5

Jason Aaron's opus to divide the X-Men has come to an end. The line in the sand has been drawn, and when all the dust has settled, we will have ourselves yet another X book to purchase on the racks of the local comic shop. But has all the hype regarding this seemingly grand tale

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Men #542

Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, walks towards Utopia, slowly, steadily and unstoppable. Nothing can slow his march, plan after plan crafted to hinder the Serpent's Worthy has failed. Man's fear of mutants has escalated to heights never seen before, and everything Scott Summers has worked so hard for — may be destroyed before his very eyes.

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