Secret Wars

Comic Book News Marvel

Writer Says Marvel Is Getting Rebooted Following Secret Wars


Reboot? Relaunch? Is there any difference these days?

Marvel’s current event, Secret Wars, recently launched which sees various timelines and dimensions converging on to Battleworld.

The outcome of the event is currently unknown, but fans have been speculating Marvel is going to reboot their line.

Now there is further proof of the thought as a writer for Marvel tweets out there will be a reboot.

Apparently, Marvel writer G. Willow Wilson tweeted then deleted a series of tweets – first stating it’s reboot, but then catching herself following-up stating it’s a relaunch.

Newsarama managed to spot the tweets:

Last before the big Marvel U event starting this month. Then every Marvel title gets rebooted in the fall.

Several minutes later, Wilson clarified it to call the line-wide change a “jumping-on point” and a “relaunch” rather than a “reboot.”

In a recent interview with The Verge, Marvel EIC Axel Alonso spoke about Marvel being relaunched or rebooted and offered it’s up to the fans to decide (whatever that means).

There’s been a lot of talk about how this may or may not be a reboot. My understanding is this is effectively changing the fabric of that multiverse but not necessarily the characters. Is that right?

Yeah, I’d say that’s what this is. It’s ultimately for the readers to decide what they’re seeing. What I will say is that we don’t believe our continuity or our universe is broken. We don’t believe it needs to be fixed. And I think that this story will bear that out. We have a tremendous opportunity here to transform the Marvel universe in a way that makes for incredible stories down the road, for the next 10, 20 years worth of publishing. This is an instance where we’re going to be bringing into the Marvel universe new characters, new regions, new concepts, and, in certain cases replacing, out of necessity, some pieces that were on the board. And it’s going to make this a lively debate on the internet and beyond.

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Secret Wars #1

Fans have been clamoring over all the buzz regarding Marvel’s attempt at “re-creating” it’s universes for months. They have been clogging up chat rooms and drooling over the chance to see some of their favorite storylines from the past come blazing back to life throughout the Secret Wars event. I personally cannot wait to see the new take on Inferno, but I digress. Even though the hype is through the roof for this event, it is the first issue that sets the tone and will drive fans to comic shops in droves. Sadly, I was hoping for more than what Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic are bringing to the table.

I LOVE an epic tale that throws caution to the wind and has you on the edge of your seat throughout the tale. That is what I was expecting here, and it just never got to that level of excitement. The entire book, from start to finish, is one giant battle that comes across as having way too many moving parts to feel like a cohesive tale. It is just a jumble of explosions and falling debris with commentary by opposing Reed Richards’ that tries to form itself into some semblance of a story. Even the prolific yammering of Doom as potential bookends to the tale just couldn’t hold this story together enough for me to enjoy it as an actual, singular tale that is supposed to launch Marvel into a new era.

And yes, there are some great scenes in this book! There are a number of character deaths that were unexpected and shocking, there is a “fastball special’ sequence that I NEVER would have thought I would see, and there is a particular scene by a gun wielding man that I thought was absolutely brilliant. But all in all, these scattered scenes do not make up the entirety of the book, and there is too much emphasis on fitting the utter destruction of two worlds into this single issue to actually build up a great story.

Fans of the Avengers books will enjoy Hickman’s eventual “payoff’ that he has been building up to for the past few years, but for those fans who want to buy this book to see what is going to happen to the Marvel Universe, they will be utterly lost! Absolutely NOTHING is explained to the reader, you are thrust face-first into utter chaos, and the only options you have are to hold on or close the book and move on. Unfortunately, Hickman has made this book impossible for new readers to feel connected to at all, when the whole point of this event comic is to draw new readers into a brand new Marvel U!

If you have been enjoying Hickman’s run on Avengers then you will love this book. But if you are someone looking for a cohesive, enthralling story that launches into an epic new direction for Marvel, you will be left wanting more.

As of this issue, if my hard earned dollar had a choice of going to a bunch of domes “converging” or two worlds colliding – it would be nestled safely “under the dome!”

Comic Book News Marvel

Major Spoiler Death Revealed For Secret Wars #1


Tomorrow sees Marvel’s latest event kick off with Secret Wars.

Friend to Cosmic Book News, “Richard Rider Is Nova,” sent in some early information about the book.

Spoilers follow.

• The Ultimate Universe battles the Marvel 616 Universe leading to the death of – Rocket Raccoon!

•  Rocket Raccoon gets blasted through the chest – as both world’s destroy each other!

Check it out below.

While we are sad to see Rocket go, perhaps Marvel will bring back the version of Guardians of the Galaxy that inspired the near billion dollar movie and get rid of the version that has become a parody of itself.

Update: Check out our Secret Wars #1 advanced review.


Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Announces Secret Wars Civil War

You did know there was no sam heck in chance that Marvel was going to leave Civil War out of their upcoming Secret Wars event, right?

Me? I’m waiting for the Secret Wars Cosmos In Collision announcement.

With Captain America 3 coming out next year, Marvel announced Secret Wars Civil War though CNN.

Sadly it won’t be written by Mark Millar, but it will be written by Charles Soule with art by Leinil Francis Yu.

If you look at the ideas that that story had, Iron Man thought superheroes should have to register with the government, and become something of a police force. Captain America thought that that was restricting the central freedoms of this country. It was a debate of security versus freedom. We’re taking that basic idea and expanding it to a larger canvas. The Registration Act is all in the past at this point. It’s more of a world drastically changed based on a superhero war, and it’s a huge story and it’s fun to be able to involve every Marvel character there is. 





Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Cancelling 33 Titles Including NINO


Finally some good news for Richard Rider fans, but don’t hold your breath – more on that below.

With Marvel’s new Secret Wars event comes word the publisher is ending 33 titles.

Among those titles is NINO, Captain Ms. Marvel, Legendary Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon.

Sales for NINO and Captain Ms. Marvel have well been under cancellation levels for some time, and Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon have been dropping steadily.

The new Marvel “Cosmic” has been unable to sustain the readership that Abnett and Lanning enjoyed with their stellar run, of which Marvel Comics editor Bill Rosemann stated consisted of “rock solid sales.”

The bad news is that Marvel Comics continues to be going in the wrong direction with Nova, as NINO writer Gerry Duggan is on the new Secret Wars Infinity Gauntlet book, which like NINO, appears to be a mockery of the original. This time Marvel seems to be going with a parody version of Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet series that is inspiring the current Marvel Studios wave of movies (and for the record, Starlin had no idea and was never told about the Secret Wars IG series).

The new IG now features a multi-colored version of the Nova Corps (interestingly enough, DnA pitched a multi-colored Nova Corps prior to their 2007 Nova series) that focuses on a young black female NINO.

I’ll also comment on Abnett’s Guardians 3000 being on the list: The first issue saw high sales (much to the surprise of Marvel); however, sales quickly dropped on subsequent issues. It’s my opinion that going with Alex Ross covers paired with an anime/manga-inspired artist on the inside wasn’t the best way to go. I’ll also say that Marvel hasn‘t given Abnett an A-list artist since Brad Walker or Andrea Di Vito.

Check out the list of series ending prior to Secret Wars (via Newsarama) with, of course, some being relaunched:

All-New Captain America
All-New Ghost Rider
All-New X-Men
Amazing Spider-Man
Amazing X-Men
Angela: Asgard’s Assassin
Avengers, Avengers World
Captain Marvel
Fantastic Four
Guardians 3000
Guardians of the Galaxy
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon
Legendary Star-Lord
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man
New Avengers
Rocket Raccoon
Secret Avengers
Spider-Man & the X-Men
Spider-Man 2099
Superior Iron Man
Uncanny X-Men

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Announces Armor Wars Secret Wars

First teased back in October of last year, Marvel has now officially announced Armor Wars for the Secret Wars event.

“Armor Wars” was a seven issue arc from Iron Man issues #225-231.

If you haven’t read the story, be sure to pick up the trade. Great stuff.

I’m curious to see how these rehashed Secret Wars stories will be. Will they live up to the originals? Or will they just be goofball parodies?

Here’s the cover and info:


This June, venture to a wondrous techno-utopia, with a dark and sinister secret in ARMOR WARS #1 – a new Secret Wars series! Eisner-award winning writer James Robinson and artist Marcio Takara show you the beauty technology can bring…and the horrors it can unleash!

Welcome to Technopolis, a shining beacon for all Battleworld to see. Full of science and wonder created at the hands of rival genius brothers – Tony Stark and Arno Stark. Yet shadows fall over this armored Utopia. A unique disease forces EVERYONE to wear armor just to live and breathe!

“We’ve got this absolutely cool as heck city filled with absolutely cool as heck armored citizens,” says Senior Editor Mark Paniccia. “The design work that Marcio has done with both the environment of Technoplis and the armors of all the various characters deserves its own coffee table art book.

“Plus, James is delving into the kind of emotional and hard hitting story he excels at,” continues Paniccia. “He’s doing some amazing world-building and bringing us a mystery that—as it’s peeled back—will shock readers and make their hearts sink into their stomachs.”

But when murder strikes his domain, Baron Tony Stark must race against the clock to identify the mysterious killer. But is he too late to stop more bodies from showing up? And just who is the mysterious Iron Hand? Find out as the mechanical murder mystery kicks off in ARMOR WARS #1 this June!

Armor Wars #1




On Sale in June!


Comic Book News Marvel

90s X-Men Animated Series Returns For Marvel’s Secret Wars

X-Men opening

Probably the most popular Marvel animated series of all time will be returning in comic book form for Marvel’s upcoming Secret Wars event with X-Men: 92.

Secret Wars sees characters from Marvel’s different universes collide on Battleworld.

Check out the cover below, which is straight out of the cartoon.

X-Men: ’92 will be written by Chad Bowers and Chris Sims with art by Scott Koblish (via polygon).

The series will premiere digitally first in May followed by the print version in June.

The X-Men animated series aired on Saturday mornings on FOX back in 1992.


Comic Book News Marvel

Updated Marvel Secret Wars Battle Map

With Marvel continuing to roll out their “new 44,” they have now released an updated version of the Secret Wars Battlemap.

Secret Wars launches in May that sees universe’s collide and battles fought on Battleworld.

It looks like there are about nine titles still left to announce.

I’m looking forward to Abnett’s Korvac Saga and Peter David’s Future Imperfect.

You can check out an interactive version on


Comic Book News

Secret Wars Future Imperfect By Peter David Announced

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:19531:]](Click to see full Trophy Room spread)

Peter David back on the Maestro.


I’m actually currently re-reading the Peter David Gray Hulk run, which is one of my all-time favorites. The series eventually sees the gray and green personas combine with Banner forming the Professor Hulk (or what I like to call the superhero Hulk). Peter David and George Perez did a side project at the time with Future Imperfect that saw the Hulk flung into the future to battle his future-self, a nuclear-radiated older tyrannical Hulk.

If you haven’t read the books, Future Imperfect is a great series. One particular page stands out, and that’s the Maestro’s Trophy Room (see above). It’s a collection of various heroes and villains artifacts, powers and objects. I remember finding it stunning at the time.

Now with Marvel’s latest event, Secret Wars, which is rehashing and rebooting older stories and events, comes Peter David back on the Maestro with Secret Wars: Future Imperfect (art by Greg Land).

Marvel actually first teased this over four months ago.

Check out the cover and details, which is an obvious homage to Perez’s Trophy Room, with mention the Maestro will be battling The Thing as well as David’s X-Factor:


Can anyone stop the Maestro? That’s the question this June as the oppressive lord of Dystopia enters the Battleworld fray in FUTURE IMPERFECT #1! Writer Peter David returns to the nuclear-ravaged wastelands he made famous. And artist Greg Land joins him for an explosive all-new Secret Wars tale!

In the domain of Dystopia, the Hulk stands triumphant over the world’s heroes and villains. Now calling himself the Maestro and lording over all of Dystopia – his gamma-fisted tyranny knows no bounds! Yet the spark of rebellion still lives within these borders. A small, but fierce band of rebels still remains, willing give all in the name of freedom, even if it means their lives! Time to find out if Hulk really is the strongest one there is?

“It’s really fun to see the Maestro back and the dude is on his home turf so any challengers are going to have a distinct disadvantage when it comes to smash time,” says Series Editor Mark Paniccia. “Some characters from Peter David’s X-FACTOR are going toe-to-toe with Maestro but there’s a great battle coming up with an ever lovin’ surprise character that promises to give lovers of superhero fights a coast-to-coast grin!”

With their backs to the wall, Ruby Summers and the rebels will seek out anyone who can stand against Maestro’s power. How does Odin factor into their strategy? What character in Maestro’s weight class will face off with him? And will the members of X-Factor survive the first issue? Those answers and more lie in the bombastic, action-packed pages of FUTURE IMPERFECT #1 this June!

Written by PETER DAVID
Art & Cover by GREG LAND
Variant Cover by DALE KEOWN
On Sale in June!

Comic Book News Marvel

Secret Wars Korvac Saga Announced By Dan Abnett


Marvel has announced this Summer will see Dan Abnett pen a new version of the Korvac Saga for Secret Wars with art by Otto Schmidt.

According to Newsarama, the all-new Korvac Saga will see Abnett’s Guardians 3000 in service of Korvac, who is lord of the Battleworld domain known as Forest Hills (a version of New York, and where Korvac originally fought the Guardians and Avengers).

The team is set to go up against a neighboring domain (Holy Wood) led by Wonder Man who also has his own team of heroes – Avengers – consisting of Captain Marvel, Jocasta, Black Panther, Hercules, the Vision, Moondragon, Yellowjacket and Black Widow.

Abnett describes his Korvac as the one who brought back both the Avengers and Guardians after killing them and then regretting it: “noble, determined, high-minded and essentially trying to rule fairly and justly, and look after this people. He’s not a bad guy. The Guardians are his police, his bodyguards, his retainers. They are loyal to him because they believe in him. But there’s a dark, dark menace arising in his kingdom that threatens his rule, his people, a lot more besides…”

Abnett also describes the book as: “a shocking story, very unusual. A villain who isn’t a full-on villain, and foe that even Earth’s Mightiest Heroes can’t stop. It’s, I think, the original Guardians’ most epic, classic story, and it makes Korvac their number one foe, their classic adversary, their arch-nemesis.”


Comic Book News Marvel

Secret Wars Cover Characters Named

This May, Marvel launches Secret Wars, which looks to reboot the Marvel Universe as we know it.

To date, Marvel has released the first two Secret Wars covers by Alex Ross featuring versions of various characters spread throughout the Marvel multiverse.

Below you can check out the covers with all the characters named ranging from the classic Thor, Iron Man and Captain America to Frog Thor, the Falcon Captain America and Iron Man 2020.

Secret Wars

Time Runs Out. Everything Ends. The Secret Wars commence in May 2015 from Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic!



(via Reddit)

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Teases The Announcement To End All Announcements


Marvel teased the “announcement to end all announcements” with the image above as the publisher will be holding a live press event for Secret Wars.

On Tuesday, January 20th at 3pm ET, Marvel will be hosting the Secret Wars Live Kickoff at Midtown Comics with EIC Axel Alonso and SVP Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.

Secret Wars kicks off in May 2015 written by Jonathan Hickman with art by Esad Ribic.


Secret Wars trailer:

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